Within the “Cite this article” tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. code de l'indigénat translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'code barre',code civil',code confidentiel',code barres', examples, definition, conjugation • Computing binary-coded decimal In, Benton, Lauren: Colonial Law and Cultural Difference: "Jurisdictional Politics and the Formation of the Colonial State" in, This page was last edited on 16 February 2021, at 14:04. Still, they themselves were very much subject to French authority when the French chose to exercise it. clemenceau, georges; CODE DE L'INDIG é NAT. [23], Those Africans who had obtained the status of French citizens (Évolué) or those born into the Four Communes of Senegal (originaires) were subject to a small French court system, operating under the Code Napoleon as practiced in France. While Muslim courts had some real local relevance behind them, the French history of chief-creation was to replace traditional chiefs with Africans who would be dependent upon the French. █ ADRIENNE WILMOTH LERNER Schwarzer Kodex) ist ein Dekret, das Frankreichs König Ludwig XIV. In 1830, Algeria became the first modern French colony. [7] He has argued that this legal limbo allowed the French to treat the colonised as a less-than-human mass, but still subject to a humanising mission; only able to become fully human when they cast off all the features that the French used to define them as part of the mass of the indigène.[8]. For this section, see: Jean Suret-Canale. 171-192. Even then, originaires were subject to customary and arbitrary law if they stepped outside the Four Communes. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. Code de l'indigénat dans les colonies : un siècle de répression Il y a 73 ans, le gouvernement provisoire français mettait fin au régime de l'indigénat dans l'empire colonial. Die einheimische Bevölkerung wurde durch das Apartheid-ähnliche System des Code de l’indigénat massiv unterdrückt. The Code de l'indigénat (French pronunciation: [kɔd də lɛ̃diʒena] "native code"), called régime de l'indigénat or simply indigénat by modern French historians, were diverse and fluctuating sets of laws and regulations characterized by arbitrariness which created in practice an inferior legal status for natives of French colonies from 1881 until 1944–1947. [26], Some elements of the Indigénat were reformed over time. The journalism of André Gide and Albert Londres, the political pressure of the French left and groups like the League for Human Rights and Popular Aid put pressure on the colonial system, but it was the promises made at the Brazzaville Conference of 1944, the crucial role of the colonies for the Free French during the Second World War, and the looming Indochina War and the Malagasy Uprising which all made the new Fourth Republic reorient France to decolonization. Während dieser Zeit wurden die nicht-weißen Franzosen (darunter auch Afroamerikaner) durch den rassistischen Code de l’indigénat diskriminiert. One might take as a kind of benchmark the version of the indigénat decreed on 15 November 1924. The Comoros Islands (except Mayotte) and Djibouti gained independence during the 1970s. [29] The loi Lamine Guèye of 7 April 1946 formally extended citizenship across the empire, indigènes included. Representation of information is a fundamental aspect of all communication from bird songs to human language to modern telecommun…, BCD (USA) bad conduct discharge They quickly realized that not only was this impractical in areas without a French population, but French experiences with large groups of subject people had convinced many that both direct rule and eventual assimilation were undesirable. (See Indigénat, Wikipedia.) Thus, any children of colonial parents born in French-ruled territory became French citizens. Naylor, Phillip C., and Heggoy, Alf A. This decree reduced the headings by which subjects could be summarily punished to 24; later this was further reduced to 12. In practice, though, summary punishment continued at the discretion of local authorities. And while these powers were periodically reformed, in practice they became common and arbitrary. For other uses, see. The Loi Cadre of 1956 extended more rights, including consultative 'legislatures' for the colonies within the French Union. Imposed by France on the native Muslim population of Algeria in 1881, the Code de l'Indigénat (Code of the Indigenous People) was exercised summarily, covering a vast array of offenses. Head taxes had been increasing well above inflation from the First World War right through to the economic crisis of the 30s, and reached their high point during the Second World War,[28] but it was decolonisation which saw a real drop in taxes paid without representation. 132–137, 208–209, 237–240. [9], The commandant de cercle, or in practice any white man, was free to impose summary punishment under any of 34 (later 12) headings of infractions specified by the code, ranging from murder to 'disrespect' of France, its symbols, or functionaries. French Colonialism in Tropical Africa 1900–1945. Consequently, customary courts often served simply to increase the power of official chiefs. Translations in context of "indigénat" in French-English from Reverso Context: L'indigénat représentait la matrice juridique d'un état d'exception pour les colonisé.es ainsi captifs d'une sujétion. young algerians. Mozabites, Chaouis et Touaregs (code de l'indigénat de 1881). dans l'empire français". Conférence de l'historien Olivier Le Cour Grandmaison lors de son passage à l'université de Biskra le 27 avril 2014 sur les "beautés" du code de l'indigénat. "The Ascendancy of Blaise Diagne and the Beginning of African Politics in Senegal". The first Code de l'indigénat was implemented by the Algerian senatus consulte of 14 July 1865, under Napoleon III, which changed the situation by allowing Algerian Jews and Muslims full citizenship on request. In 1685, the French royal Code Noir decreed the treatment of subject peoples, but it was in Algeria during the 1830s and 1840s that the French government began actively to rule large subject populations. The Code Noir was a decree originally passed by France's King Louis XIV in 1685. Matters deemed especially serious by the French officials, or matters for which the colonial power had any interest, were handled by a French administrator-judge. Er wurde laut wiki auch Knüppelcode (Code matraque) genannt. Corporal punishment was outlawed, but still used regularly. It was, in fact, political processes which doomed the indigénat system. (March 13, 2021). [6], The Franco-Algerian philosopher Sidi Mohammed Barkat has described this legal limbo as: "Not truly inclusion nor in fact exclusion, but the indefinite hanging on for some future inclusion". As the title indicates, Klein is concerned with the persistence of African slavery under French rule. In 1887, it applied to all native citizens of French colonies. Le code de l'indigénat: Historique en Afrique francophone 1887-1946 | Gueye, Ousmane | ISBN: 9782343172132 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. These could be appealed to the tribunal criminal where the administrator-judge was the local Commandant du cercle, and was not bound to heed the advice of even his own appointed assistants. Le Code de l’indigénat était assorti de toutes sortes d’interdictions dont les délits étaient passibles d’emprisonnement ou de déportation. In French West Africa, the corvée had been formalised by the local decree of 25 November 1912. Historians examining the court records have found that governors were asked for approval after the fact, and in all but a minuscule number of cases signed off on whatever their commandants decided. "Code de L'IndigéNat Its arbitrary application was tempered in 1914 and 1919 by the Clemenceau and Jonnart reforms. He argues that customary law and French-appointed chiefs allowed formal slavery to continue in some areas up to the 1920s, and the social relationship to survive through independence. Its first article stipulated that, "The Muslim indigenous is French; however, he will continue to be subjected to Muslim law. Startseite Gesellschaft Ideologie Rassismus Code Noir. It was only through a protracted battle by Senegalese Deputy Blaise Diagne, and his help recruiting thousands of Africans to fight in World War I, that legal and voting rights were restored to even the originaires with the Loi Blaise Diagne of 29 September 1916. Therefore, it’s best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publication’s requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html. Lugard devised a method of colonial administration which relied upon maintenance of pre-colonial chiefs and other political structures, who were in turn subject to the authority of British representatives. Within three years, this was replaced by the referendum on the French Community, in which colonies could vote for independence The First Indochina War resulted in independence for the different regions of French Indochina. [21] Civil cases which came to the attention of the French officials were tried by an administrator-judge in a tribunaux du premier degré, for which the administrator-judge was an appointed African notable (other than local chief). Jean Suret-Canele. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "code de l'indigénat" – Deutsch-Französisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Der Code Noire von 1685 regelte den Umgang mit Sklaven. Nevertheless, the colonial lobby in France kept the intimidating code … It enabled an entire legal system by which the vast majority of colonial subjects were governed from the creation of the French Empire until the reforms of the post World War II period. This citizenship was labeled à titre personnel: their (even future) children would still be subject to the Indigénat. He may be called to functions and civil employment in Algeria. . • Astronomy blue compact dwarf (type of star) Für die lange Dauer des Code Noir sei; der wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse zwischen den Nord - und Südstaaten. Add your article. Rober Delavignette (a former colonial official) documented the mass movement of some 100,000 Mossi people from Upper Volta to Gold Coast to escape forced labor, while the investigative journalist Albert Londres claims the figures are closer to 600,000 sujets fleeing to Gold Coast and 2 million fleeing to Nigeria. At this date, most of the colonies had become independent and French law adopted the notion of double jus soli. • Chem. Isabelle Merle, "Retour sur le régime de l'indigénat : Genèse et contradictions des principes répressifs Summary rule resumed during the Algerian war of independence (1954–1962). Its arbitrary application was tempered in 1914 and 1919 by the Clemenceau and Jonnart reforms. He may be admitted to serve Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Pica Press (1971) p.333, Patrick Manning: Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa 1880–1985. [18] Forced agricultural production was common in sub-Saharan Africa from the nineteenth century until the Second World War, mandated sometimes by the central French government (rubber until 1920, rice during the Second World War), sometimes for profit (the cotton plantations of Compagnie Française d'Afrique Occidentale and Unilever), and sometimes on the personal whim of the local commandant, such as one official's attempt to introduce cotton into the Guinean highlands. Galliard (1941). The passage of the loi Lamine Guèye [fr] was the culmination of this process, and repealed the courts and labor laws of the Indigénat. Andrew, C. M. and Kanya-Forstner, A. S.: "French Business and the French Colonialists". In 1930, the Geneva Convention outlawed the corvée, but France substituted a work tax (Prestation) by the Franch West Africa decree of 12 September 1930, whereby able-bodied men were assessed a high monetary tax, which they could pay via forced labor. All major projects in French West Africa in this period were performed by forced labor, including work on roads, mines, and in fields of private companies. © 2019 Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. Fremdvölkische ist ein nationalsozialistischer Sammelbegriff, mit dem Menschen erfasst werden sollten, die nicht „deutschen oder artverwandten Blutes“ (vgl. The Code Noir defined the conditions of slavery in the French colonial empire, restricted the activities of free Black people, made Roman Catholicism compulsory, and ordered all Jews out of France's colonies. This decree reduced the headings by which subjects could be summarily punished to 24; later this was further reduced to 12. The protectorates (Tunisia and Morocco for example) were not affected. Nürnberger Gesetze) oder „deutschblütig“ waren. [1], The indigénat was introduced by decree, in various forms and degrees of severity, to Algeria and Cochinchina in 1881, New Caledonia and Senegal in 1887, Annam-Tonkin and Polynesia in 1897, Cambodia in 1898, Mayotte and Madagascar in 1901, French West Africa in 1904, French Equatorial Africa in 1910, French Somaliland in 1912, and the Mandates of Togo and Cameroun in 1923 and 1924. The indigenous communes (communes indigènes), remote areas not adequately pacified, remained under the régime du sabre, direct rule by the military. algerian war of independence; What was deemed customary differed from cercle to cercle, with the Commandant relying upon his native sub-officials to interpret and formalize oral traditions of which the French had little knowledge. The Historical Dictionary of Algeria, 2d edition. In Africa, sujets were assigned to two separate court systems. The Code de l'indigénat (French pronunciation: [kɔd də lɛ̃diʒena] "native code"), called régime de l'indigénat or simply indigénat by modern French historians, were diverse and fluctuating sets of laws and regulations characterized by arbitrariness which created in practice an inferior legal status for natives of French colonies from 1881 until 1944–1947. Windtalkers was the code name given to the Navajo Indian code talkers employed by United States military intelligence durin…, Code Napoléon (kôd näpôlāôN´) or Code Civil (sēvēl´), first modern legal code of France, promulgated by Napoleon I in 1804. These governments included representatives of the grands chefs (great chieftains) and a French administrator. [clarification needed] Moreover, it was at Algeria's request that an 1889 Act restoring the droit du sol (French citizenship being awarded to anyone born in France) was not applied to Muslims. The small political representation from the colonies after the war made ending the indigénat as a primary goal, even though these men were drawn from the Évolué class of full French citizens. Der Begriff kam zunächst bei der SS, der Polizei, dann bei Justiz und Verwaltung in Gebrauch. "Code de L'IndigéNat The Code de l'indigénat (Code of the indiginate) was a set of laws creating, in practice, an inferior legal status for natives of French Colonies from 1887 until 1944–1947. The French government, in contrast, wrote much about the assimilation of colonial subj… [11] While the statute stated that all punishments must be signed by the colonial governor, this was almost always done after the fact. The indigénat is an example of Association: French colonial indirect rule. After their creation by Governor-General Ernest Roume and Secretary General Martial Merlin during 1904, most legal matters were processed officially by the so-called customary courts. The Code de l'indigénat (, Code of the indiginate) was a set of laws creating, in practice, an inferior legal status for natives of French Colonies from 1887 until 1944–1947.Implemented first in Algeria, it was applied across the French Colonial Empire during 1887–1889. Geographie Geschichte Religion Gesellschaft Technik Kunst und Kultur Wissenschaft. He may be admitted to serve in the terrestrial and marine Army. In areas where Europeans comprised a substantial part of the population, the colons elected mayors and councils for self-governing "full exercise" communes (communes de plein exercice). Der Code de l indigénat, der von zeitgenössischen Kritikern auch Code matraque deutsch Knüppelcode genannt wurde fortgelte. The Code Noir governed many black people in an often harsh slavery, but did not relieve the brutality of that slavery in many … Retrieved March 13, 2021 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/code-de-lindigenat. Pendant plus d'un siècle, les populations autochtones ont été soumises à des peines spéciales. This was intended to promote assimilation, but as few people were willing to abandon their religious values, it had the opposite effect. Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa. Refer to each style’s convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. Depending on the administrative district, it allowed for fines of up to 15 or 100 Frs, imprisonment for up to 5 or 15 days, and bondage in case of non-payment of fines for up to 15 days, depending on the amount of the fine. French colonial policy is often contrasted with the British concept of Indirect rule pioneered by Frederick Lugard of the British East Africa Company in Uganda and later the Royal Niger Company in what is today Nigeria. While the Indigénat grew from circumstances of the colonial rule of North Africa, it was in sub-saharan Africa and Indochina that the code became formalised. Maximum fines decreased from 25 francs to 15, and summary imprisonment was capped at five days. [citation needed] This may explain why French Africans' demand for access (promoted by politician Lamine Guèye) to both local and French courts was so strong, and why so few who managed to meet the requirements of citizenship chose to pursue it, abandoning themselves to French justice. The Algerian War and the French Fifth Republic of 1958 resulted in independence for most of the rest of empire during the period 1959–1962. Those parts of the empire that remained (Mayotte, New Caledonia and French Guiana) became legally parts of France, and only then was the category of French subject ended. Punishment could range from fines, to 15 days in prison, to immediate execution. The Indigénat was created first to solve specific problems of administering France's North African colonies during the early to mid-nineteenth century. f…, degenerate code A genetic code in which the number of sense codons exceeds the number of amino acids, with the consequence that some amino acids are…, FISH (German Geheimschreiber Cipher Machine) Echenberg, Myron J.: Paying the Blood Tax: Military Conscription in French West Africa, 1914–1929 in the Canadian Journal of African Studies, Vol. As French rule expanded during the "Scramble for Africa", the government found itself nominal ruler of some 50 million people, with only a tiny retinue of French officials. Detailing forced contracts as long as two years (paid only at the end of contract) in Cote d'Ivoire, Myron Echenberg, Jean Filipovich: "African Military Labour and the Building of the Office du Niger Installations, 1925–1950" in, Babacar Fall, "Manifestations of Forced Labor in Senegal: as Exemplified by the Société des Salins du. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. https://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/code-de-lindigenat, "Code de L'IndigéNat . Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa. A previous Code de l’indigénat was implemented in Algeria on 14 July 1865, but the naturalization regime in French Algeria was confirmed in the Code de l’indigénat, Decree 137, in 1887, an official date. Es kam regelmäßig zu Revolten der Kanak, die jedoch immer niedergeschlagen wurden und jeweils zur Enteignung und Deportation führten, so dass die Kanak von den Küsten ins … Third, the law of 20 September 1947 eliminated the two-tier court system and mandated equal access to public employment. [14], Demands for taxes and forced labor varied according to the local cercle, and in some areas, forced contract labor continued as a staple of the colonial economy, for example where private enterprises could not attract sufficient workers[15] or for projects of colonial officials. Workers were supposed to be provided with food if working more than 5 km from home, but this was often ignored. One wonders. ." Babacar Fall and Mohamed Mbodj, "Forced Labor and Migration in Senegal" in. see also As the enforcers of the indigénat, they were also partly beneficiaries. Der Code de l’indigénat, der von zeitgenössischen Kritikern auch Code matraque (deutsch „Knüppelcode“) genannt wurde, unterwarf die „Eingeborenen“ (französisch indigènes) als französische „Untertanen“ (sujets) im Unterschied zu den Verwaltungsangehörigen und europäischen Siedlern, die als französische „Staatsbürger“ (citoyens) galten, in der Fassung von 1875, 27 verschiedenen Dekreten. Full voting representation and full French legal, labor, and property rights were never offered to the entire sujet class. Imposed by France on the native Muslim population of Algeria in 1881, the Code de l'Indig é nat (Code of the Indigenous People) was exercised summarily, covering a vast array of offenses. This resulted in enrichment for chiefs and the French, and harsh conditions for African labourers. The formal right of caucasian civilians to exercise summary punishment was eliminated by the decree of 15 November 1924. In beiden Weltkriegen wurden de Kanaken in die französchen Armee zwangsrekrutiert. In the "mixed" communes, where Muslims were a large majority, government was exercised by officials, most of whom were appointed but some of whom were elected. The Natives Law was adopted June 28, 1881. He may, on his demand, be admitted to enjoy the rights of a French citizen; in this case, he is subjected to the political and civil laws of France."[4]. . ." The Popular Front government in the decrees of 11 March and 20 March 1937 created the first labor regulations on work contracts and the creation of trade unions, but these remained largely unenforced until the late 1940s. Said BouamamaFUIQP (Front uni des immigrations et des quartiers populaires) Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.com cannot guarantee each citation it generates. A royal ordinance of 1845 created three types of administration in Algeria. However, the date of retrieval is often important. [16] In the inter-war period, the demand for forced labour increased massively: even the most well-intentioned officials often believed in 'forced modernization' (supposing that 'progress' would only result from coercion), while French-created 'Chiefs' also enjoyed tremendous coercive power.
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