Meaning: to be feeling a little bit depressed, not feeling good. The outer circle provides you with two synonyms (words with a similar but not exactly the same meaning) for the emotional states in the middle circle. I’m currently an EFL teacher. In order to make the example sentence memorable, write a sentence about yourself or somebody you know personally. Expressing feelings and emotions in English I LIKE... Would you fancy going to the cinerna tonight? The feeling caused by something that happened suddenly. Feelings are usually reactions. Many of us think that “feelings” ( los sentimientos) and “emotions” ( las emociones) are the same, but they are actually different. This game focuses on asking about and expressing emotions and feelings in English with four main sections. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. She felt like a million dollars. A feeling of shyness, especially in front. in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies. I’m highly interested in education issues. A simple way to start learning some of these words is to choose a basic emotion, such as happy. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Idioms are fun because their direct translation makes no sense but their mastery makes you more of a native speaker. I feel a little sad/happy/angry/…. [Note: This vocabulary pronunciation is in American English] Emotions vocabulary words can be really important in describing how we feel and how others are feeling. … by dilano | Jan 21, 2014 | Express yourself in English. I LIKE… Would you fancy going to the cinerna tonight? Level: elementary Age: 14-100 Author:mandala Fullscreen : Feelings and verb to be Students revise some vocabulary about feelings and practise the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms of the verb to be. Don’t try to learn too many new words everyday: 5 should be enough. Flying high: e.g. Expressing emotions and feelings is part of our life, and it is something everyday. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Feelings are conscious experiences, while emotions can be either conscious or subconscious. Then, review it again the next day. The outer circle provides you with two synonyms (words with a similar but not exactly the same meaning) for the emotional states in the … Meaning: Prepared, alert, competent; Example: Ralph is on the ball. It means a strong feeling of dislike and disapproval. He hasn’t seen his girlfriend for a long time and then he got dropped from the football team. The words below might help you express those feelings. Your email address will not be published. Depressed I am mad at him/her…. Thinking about unpleasant things that happened or might happen in the future. Feelings and emotions are very similar; however, emotions tend to refer to that which is not tangible, while feelings tend to be more tangible. Hopefully this … We are humans. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. EMOTIONS Exercises to practise vocabulary related to the topic of feelings or emotions. However, now he is blind and cannot use this talent. It’s human nature to express and share how we are feeling.. One of the most common questions in any language is ‘How are you?’ which we use because we want to tell people how we feel and because we want to know how other people are feeling. Useful Idioms to Describe Your Emotions in French. Sad. That's a great idea. I’m a professional blog posts writer and editor. The poet has lost his eyesight and being blind, he thinks about the past when he used to‘serve God’by writing poetry, a talent given by God to him. happy / sad / disgust / anger / fear / surprise. How To Teach Grammar Inductively: Steps and Examples, Lesson plan-Vocabulary-Science & Technology, Lesson plan-Communication-Expressing Opinions in English, Lesson plan-Writing A descriptive Article, 8 Amazing Writing Activities To Improve Your Students’ Writing Skills, Lesson plan-Writing-Writing Argumentative Article, Lesson plan-Vocabulary-Prefixes and Suffixes, expressions of feelings and emotions in english, Expressing Advice in English (EFL/ESL Speaking English Lessons), Expressing an Apology in English (EFL/ESL English Speaking Lessons), Expressing Concession in English (EFL/ESL English Speaking Lessons), Expressing Bad and Good News in English (English Speaking Lessons), Expressing Effects & Results in English – English speaking lessons. Happy. Learning to identify and cultivate these experiences could give … These cookies do not store any personal information. Then, write your own example sentence using the new word. I don’t feel well. If you want to speak better English, you need to expand your vocabulary and one of the best ways to expand your vocabulary is by talking about how you are feeling. We are not overly demonstrative in the stereotypical manner of the Italians, Spanish or Americans — wearing their passions on their sleeves, sometimes with little regard for the feelings of others. There are a lot of emotional states that we experience, but actually we can not actually name all these feelings correctly. We feel different things at different times depending on what happens to us. I’m feeling very happy because the sun is shining. Phrases to Express Emotions . A collection of English ESL Feelings, emotions powerpoints for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about This is particularly suitable for students who have a B2 (Upper-Intermediate) level or above. There are plenty of words which you can use to express your current form of emotion. degree in theoretical linguistics and an MA. Example: Michael has been down in the dumps for days now. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. So, next time somebody asks you how you are feeling, you can have this type of conversation: I’m feeling positive because the sun is shining and I’m learning new words in English every day. On the one hand we seem to be masters at over-regulating our emotions. While researchers have recently compiled a list of 27 categories of emotion, the English language includes over 4,000 words for expressing feelings. When you have learned a few of these words for each emotion, choose an emotion at random and ask yourself the question: By creating reasons for each emotion, you will be creating a memorable context, which will help transfer the word from your short-term to your long-term memory. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. That’s a great idea. This is a great chart for expanding your vocabulary to describe emotions and feelings. Practice spelling, vocabulary, speaking, questions and answers, as well a grammar with these great games and activities. Meaning: Undecided between two choices; Example: I’m on the fence about the election – both candidates have their good and bad points. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. So there are idioms related to feelings and emotions: to have butterflies in your stomach; to be thrilled to bits; to lose your temper She’s very kind. This idioms means to be jubilant and feel amazing, as if you’re, well, at the top … I think we can leave the office under his supervision for a few days. From gigil to wabi-sabi and tarab, there are many foreign emotion words with no English equivalent. She was sad when she heard that her best friend was moving out of town. That sounds like a wonderful opportunity! Look at one of the words in the middle circle relating to a specific type of happiness and check the meaning in your dictionary. Do you ever feel you should be using other words, apart from happy, sad etc? Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Meaning: to annoy or irritate someone. More info in our. A. angry: “She was angry with her boss for criticising her work.” annoyed: “I’m very annoyed with him. 11 English Words for When You Are Feeling Down. Once they have landed on that feeling, they must say “I am [feeling student landed on}”.. BBC Teach > Primary Resources > English KS1 / English KS2 > Understanding Poetry with Joseph Coelho Poet Joseph Coelho investigates how poetry can be used to express emotions and feelings. For every English learner, it is very important to know how to express emotions to communicate well. On the Fence. Meaning: When something bad or unfortunate happens in your life, you will probably feel sad or unhappy. If you found this English Vocabulary about Feelings and Emotions interesting or useful, let others know about it: Vocabulary Notes A variety of different English vocabulary topics including common words lists, charts and example sentences. I have been formally and informally involved in EFL teaching and training for a couple of years. The rules are simple. That would be fantastic! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. If you’d like some more help with how to express emotions in English then click here and it'll take you to another video. English vocabulary exercises elementary and intermediate level esl. As a result, it is natural that our moods may change several times during the day. How Has Technology Changed Teaching and Learning? Example, “I am tired” or “I am scared.” Your email address will not be published. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Here, in this lesson, I will present to you some of the expressions and adjectives that you can use to express your feelings and emotions. It’s been a difficult day. It will help ever others to know exactly how you feel. Negative objectives (-) to describe places and activities. After learning a new word, make sure you review the meaning an hour or two after learning it. Expressing feelings and emotions in English To download and print this free English phrases list, click here. I’m the founder of It will help you in describing your entire range of emotions. Expressing Emotions and Feelings in English (EFL/ESL Lessons). Going to the park makes me happy! If you want to know more about intonation in English, why don’t you click here and learn more about my recently published online training ebook which takes you through everything you need to know about intonation in order to express yourself confidently and fluently. How are you feeling today? When learning new vocabulary, we need to store the word in our short-term memory first. Many times the same adjectives are used to express feelings and emotions. Drive up the wall. (For each word or phrase describing an emotion or feeling you can find an explanation and example sentence.) We can also use adjectives ending with /ing/ in order to describe places and activities. Expressing emotions and feelings is part of our life, and it is something everyday. Required fields are marked *. Most of us know the emotional states happy and sad, but what about determined and resentful? Sometimes, you can use idioms to express your feelings. She's so pleased with her new car! You got {{SCORE_CORRECT}} out of {{SCORE_TOTAL}}. Are you happy? On top of the world. His constant whining drove me up the wall, … To be honest, I’m a little bit sad/happy/ angry/…. What Is Reflective Teaching And Why Is It Important? Thus the lines evoke sorrowful emotions. Is something bothering you or are you in a bad mood? Are you tired? That […] 18 hard Tongue Twisters for Specific English Sounds, Top Seven Books Every Educator and Teacher Should Read, Top 35 Tongue Twisters Teachers Can Use In Their Classrooms, Effective Error Correction in ESL & EFL Classrooms: Sharing an EFL teacher’s insights, What Noam Chomsky Said About The Danger Of Standardized and High Stakes Testing. See if you can produce a sentence without referring to your example. A good example in English is ‘crying over spilt milk.’ I got a B.A. We can do this by repeating the meaning several times (make sure you create a memorable context). To respond to a question about feelings you can use the following expressions. The word‘When’ here carries a hidden pain. The thing is that I am angry/sad/…. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. For example, imagine you are scared of the dark and all the lights in your home go out due to a storm. My big brother is feeling blue. we can do this by reviewing the meaning at regular intervals after we have first learnt it. Use the code POLITE17 to get the course for just $10, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, This site uses cookies to enhance your experience. But … Emotional experiences and physical sensations—like hunger, sadness, or surprise—cause feelings. Brits have an intriguing relationship with their own and other people's emotions. So for you here are some trendy English phrases which you can use to express your entire range of emotions. I have published articles on and Feelings, however, are mental associations and reactions to our emotions and because they take place in our mind, rather than our body like emotions, it’s a lot harder to identify a feeling. However, this word will soon disappear from our short-term memory so we need to transfer it to our long-term memory. overwhelmed, lovest... 44,145 Downloads Feelings and emotions - matching Feeling is an emotion which is the experience in the heart or the sense of touch. Below is a list of common feelings that you can learn with images and pronunciations. He jumped for joy. Students must roll a dice to get a feeling or emotion. The middle circle shows you different types of happiness, sadness, disgust, anger, fear and surprise, ranging from mild emotions (not so strong) such as bored to intense emotions (much stronger) such as despair. My sister biggest fear is spiders. Useful Idioms to Express Feelings and Emotions … On the Ball. We all have feelings - they are part of everyone. The English language would be incredibly dull without those descriptive adjectives. 1. Feelings- Board Game - This fun board game is an excellent way to help build your student vocabulary around feeling and emotions. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. A feeling of tiredness and lack of interest. The middle circle shows you different types of happiness, sadness, disgust, anger, fear and surprise, ranging from mild emotions (not so strong) such as bored to intense emotions (much stronger) such as despair. Start in the inner circle where you can find 6 basic emotional states: happy / sad / disgust / anger / fear / surprise. It can be difficult to find the right word to describe someone’s feelings or emotions. in his poem On His Blindness, Milton begins his poem by describing his sufferings. I always feel calm after swimming in the pool. It's a picture dictionary of adjectives that English learners can use to talk about feelings, mood and emotions, e.g. My research interests relate to applied Linguistics issues, Educational Assessment, and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). Expressing Feelings. Feel free to leave a comment if you find any errors or if you have any suggestions to make to improve this lesson. Don’t forget to practise the pronunciation and check which syllable is stressed. Worksheets: feelings, emotions and moods pdf exercises and handouts to prrint. I am a little sad/happy/angry/…. I was optimistic about my chances of passing the English speaking exam because I had studied hard for it. Play some word games to learn and practise more emotions and feelings vocabulary. By continuing to the site you accept their use. We've put together a handy list of amazing adjectives you can use to describe tone, feelings and emotions - good or bad. What are feelings and emotions? It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Feelings vocabulary games, spelling game and question and answer games to learn English online. I like my teacher. Here’s a list of emotions in English, in A-Z order. Describing Someone’s Feelings and Emotions. John Milton, one of the renowned poets of Renaissance age wrote a number of thought-provoking poems that express his hope and aspiration. He can’t find his favorite shirt.
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