She was married (c. 1275) for political reasons to Gianciotto of the powerful Malatesta family, rulers of Rimini. This opera is Zandonai's best-known work. Married to Gianciotto Malatesta (called “the Lame”) for reasons of state, she was murdered by him when he discovered her in adultery with his b Francesca da Rimini, o da Polenta (Ravenna, 1259/1260 – Rimini, 1285), era figlia di Guido da Polenta, signore di Ravenna, e di una nobile appartenente alla famiglia Fontana, forse di nome Francesca e discendente da Aldighiero (1140), che da Ferrara si rifugiò nella città romagnola. The story of Paolo and Francesca, and in particular Dante's text, so pervades DGR's imagination that one scarcely knows where to begin tracing it, or assessing its importance. Date: 1855. Nel 700° anniversario della morte di Dante, Francesca da Rimini protagonista di un flash-mob con contributi da tutto il mondo. Francesca Da Rimini. Date: 1862 September. 1 Description 2 Background 3 Dante's Inferno 4 Trivia "She fell in love with Paolo, the younger brother of her old and deformed husband. Francesca da Rimini, Op. She was encountered in the circle of Lust, acting as the circle's host. Dante sees Paolo and Francesca and calls them to him in the name of love — a mild conjuration at Virgil's insistence. Francesca da Rimini was the wife of Gianciotto, the deformed older brother of Paolo, who was a beautiful youth. Alternately titled: Paolo and Francesca da Rimini. (Dante.) - Figlia di Guido da Polenta il Vecchio, signore di Ravenna, Francesca da Rimini (o Franceschina) andò sposa, intorno al 1275-1282, a Gianni Ciotto (" zoppo, sciancato "), o Gian Ciotto, Malatesta, signore di Rimini, dal quale ebbe una figlia, Concordia. 4, is an opera in four acts, composed by Riccardo Zandonai, with a libretto by Tito Ricordi II, (1865–1933), after the play Francesca da Rimini by Gabriele D'Annunzio.It was premiered at the Teatro Regio in Turin on 19 February 1914 and is still staged occasionally.. In these opening bars, which Tchaikovsky marks, … Francesca tells their story; Paolo can only weep. Francesca da Rimini. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata William Dyce , Francesca da Rimini , huile sur toile, 1837 , National Gallery of Scotland, Édimbourg. Francesca da Rimini (Francisca da Polenta) (Ravena, 1255 – Gradara, 1285) foi uma nobre medieval italiana, filha de Guido da Polenta, governante de Ravena, fonte de inspiração de Dante Alighieri, que a retratou na Divina Comédia Francesca was the aunt of Guido Novello da Polenta, Dante's host in Ravenna during the last years of the poet's life (1318-21). General Description. Francesca da Rimini ou Francesca da Polenta (vers 1255 - vers 1285) est une jeune Italienne dont les amours tragiques ont été immortalisées par Dante Alighieri dans la Divine Comédie . Francesca da Polenta was one of the Damned which Dante must punish or absolve for "Forbidden Love" and "The Damned" achievement/trophy. Francesca Da Rimini, daughter of Guido da Polenta, lord of Ravenna, whose tragic love affair with Paolo Malatesta is renowned in literature and art. Francesca da Rimini, Tchaikovsky's turbulent orchestral tone poem, begins at the entrance of Hell. Da 19 paesi e … Following a ferocious flash in the low strings and the haunting overtones of the tamtam, a grim, quietly grating brass statement almost seems to intone the ominous words from Dante's Divine Comedy: 'Abandon all hope, you who enter here.' Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
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