As the year began, we could not have foreseen the disruptions and devastation that a … However, just how it is important to take care of your physical health, it is vital to take care of your mental well-being. There are major mental disorders like ADHD, anxiety, or depression that can be handled only by professionals. From nutrition and fitness to spiritual and mental health, these websites are full of useful resources to help boost your well-being. London, England, United Kingdom About Blog Centre for Mental Health is an independent UK mental health charity. Many practitioners are now offering teletherapy, either by phone or video, to comply with social distancing requirements. It's so close to being done! Covering key topics, challenges and considerations that surrounding Mental Health in the workplace and how you can effectively manage the health… There is mounting evidence accumulating that the pandemic could lead to rising rates of mental health and substance use disorders, according to a Monday article in the medical journal JAMA. Have a question and not sure where to start? Click here and we will guide you to While I personally live with depression, the blog covers a much broader range of mental health topics. Mental health day in 2019 was on Thursday the 10th October. Read first-person accounts of mental health journeys on our blog. I don't know. Supporting the mental health needs of online students is a critical mission for each university. That would be nice.” 2020: “I am about to end this man’s whole career” I’m sure we all had great plans to do … Have a question and not sure where to start? The Week is an opportunity for people to talk about all aspects of mental health, with a focus on providing help and advice. If your mental or emotional state quickly gets worse, or you're worried about someone you know - help is available . In 2020, we celebrated NIMHD’s 10th anniversary as an institute at the National Institutes of Health. Look for it by Christmas. Mental health is a relevant topic now more than ever. 25 Health and wellness blogs worth checking out In fact, I'm positive I can rattle off dozens of such events in my own personal life. Here is a list of fresh mental health blogs with unique points of view. Sign up as we build this new community space for you, Silent No More - Giving Voice To Mental Illness, A Mother Builds a Support Community for Her Son and Herself, Why Caring for Caregivers is an Uphill Battle, 7 Ways to Support a Loved One: Joy’s Story, Coping with COVID-19 when you have a mental health condition, When illness is a stepping stone towards positive experiences. Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. 07 Oct 2020 4-minute read. That was a big event in 2020. Closing our list of the best men’s wellness blogs of 2020 is MenAlive, a blog that shares expert insights and advice for dealing with stress, workouts, health issues such as male menopause, etc. Mental health is such a common thing nowadays and lots of people can suffer from it badly! PDF 2 0 This guide is designed for line managers to support team members returning to work after a mental health-related absence. 2020 has brought many challenges, and as a result this year’s theme set by the World Federation for Mental Health is “mental health for all”. Lastly, we will try to offer some suggestions, for concrete actions, we can all take to help. The 2020 theme for World Mental Health Day is ‘mental health for all’. My Experience with ASMR for My Mental Health. Psychiatrists in a Battle for Your Mind. 2020 has been one heck of a year. Below is the list of the Top Mental Health Blogs you can check out. Why Caring for Caregivers is an Uphill Battle Yanqin Lin. I successfully learned to do the 180º cross-step on my longboard while carving. Paternal mental health is a newer field of study, and a lot of the data is suggesting that the transition impacts father’s mental health just as much as mothers. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. May 19, 2020 - 10:34 AM by Robyn Begley. An accomplished painter, she blogs about health care and art, and how the two worlds sometimes converge. Raising awareness and reducing the stigma about mental health is especially important during this pandemic. This is partly due to the ‘Time to Change’ awareness campaign, which aims to break down the stigma of mental health. Closing our list of the best men’s wellness blogs of 2020 is MenAlive, a blog that shares expert insights and advice for dealing with stress, workouts, health issues such as male menopause, etc. In an effort to flatten the curve and promote containment of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), safety precautions, including stay at home measures, have been enacted. Take that, ADHD! According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in four people is affected by a mental health condition at some point in their life.. M ental health disorders are among the leading causes of ill-health and disability worldwide. I dropped down to a 36" waist—then climbed back up to 38" with pandemic pounds? Oh! Sadly, most people dont take very good care of their mental well-being. From pre-school children to seniors in college, COVID-19 has changed several aspects of education. The loss of productivity caused by the surge in mental health disorders is estimated to cost companies a trillion dollars per year. I’m looking for… There are also detours to other topics, including social justice and pseudoscience, plus blogging resources to support others in their blogging journey. Each year millions of Americans experience living with mental health issues. Have a question and not sure where to start? Why Caring for Caregivers is an Uphill Battle Yanqin Lin. New ADHD or Depression articles every month. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has released Prevention and Treatment of HIV Among People Living with Substance Use and/or Mental Disorders, a guidebook that addresses the co-occurrence of HIV and mental illness and/or substance use disorder (SUD) and reviews effective programs and practices to prevent HIV and, for those with HIV, to increase … Being mentally healthy is about reaching the mental and emotional milestones at the right age and the right time. ), so I'm excited to look over the list as well. I think mental health awareness has improved exponentially in Wales over the past few years. Marking Mental Health Awareness Month, Robyn Begley, ... Blog: Mental health resources available for health care heroes. Director, National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities. Frequency 1 post / day Blog Pretty good, huh? If you, like me, sometimes feel trapped by social media that's affecting your mental health; you can take your life back. And those monoliths from space aliens planted in my Utahn backyard? Tiffany Markwood is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with Winchester Medical Center’s Outpatient Behavioral Health Services. Through this campaign, NAMI illustrated mental illness in real life — examples of hope and recovery and support — from people who looked like you, your brother, your best friend. find what you need. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. I think we all would likely agree that caring for our mental health, raising awareness and lifting each other up any way we can regarding mental health is incredibly important now more than ever. The radical change in lifestyle can feed loneliness, anxiety and even lead to depression. A Mother Builds a Support Community for Her Son and Herself Margareta Ibnurini. This blog contains six stepping stones, and free downloadable resources, to help you support children develop good mental health. Blogs Listen to one of Make UK’s Legal Advisers, Eleanor Cowen, in our 10 minute webinar recording on ‘Mental Health at work’. A survey conducted between April and May 2020 by Rethink Mental Illness showed that 79% of people with pre-existing mental illnesses reported that their mental health had got worse or much worse because of the pandemic, with 42% saying their mental health was worse because they were getting less support from mental health services. The radical change in lifestyle can feed loneliness, anxiety and even lead to depression. Top 100 Mental Health Blogs to Read for Total Wellness in 2020 If you’re struggling with stress and other emotional complications you can get expert advice on how to cope and live healthily on this blog. Since starting this mental health blog in 2014, my mental health has drastically improved for a few reasons: I felt that if I was going to write a blog about mental health, I wanted it to be more positive and helpful rather than just write a journal about how bad things were going, so I’ve worked on my own mental health … Her blog covers mental health and holistic health, with topics that include depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and nutrition. Here is a list of fresh mental health blogs with unique points of view. It can be a very tough thing to have and put up with. In the UK, Thursday 5 th March 2020 is University Mental Health Day. I filed pro se, and the hearing went without a hitch. 14 Must-Read Mental Health and Personal Development Blogs for 2020 Published on January 16, 2020 December 18, 2020 by Meagan DISCLOSURE: I am not a mental health professional. "Most alarmingly, we're seeing a large increase in suicide attempts, and these attempts are more serious and involve more young people and minorities than usual," warns Dr. Keenmon. Top Mental Health Blogs for 2020—the Bestest Year EVER! Let’s you and I take a look at each one of the best mental health blogs to read in 2020 and see what makes them shine. People doing good. Mental health includes emotional, psychological and social well-being in which a person realizes his/her own abilities, can cope the normal stresses of life and can work productively and fruitfully. ... If you enjoy the content on this blog, please consider buying one of, Saying "No" to Suicide by Douglas R. Cootey, What To Expect When You Call a Suicide Prevention Hotline, Is Suicide Preventable? Sadly, most people dont take very good care of their mental well-being. Blogs on mental health give us relevant content and resources. The Mental Health Foundation in partnership with the Institute of Public Health at the University of Cambridge found that at the outbreak of the pandemic millions of Britons “felt, panicked, afraid and unprepared”. Hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, Mental Health Awareness Week will take place from 18 to 24 May 2020. Mental health is a leading cause of disability globally. Leading psychiatrists and psychologists have warned of the crisis having a “profound” effect on people’s mental health. Causes you can support. Reading Time: 2 minutes Content warning: Mental Illness. That would be nice.” 2020: “I am about to end this man’s whole career” I’m sure we all had great plans to do … My plants haven't died? Blog posts. Top Mental Health Blogs for 2020—the Bestest Year EVER! Read first-person accounts of mental health journeys on our blog. Mental health in 2020: A diagram. She also showcases her original artwork on her blog. 6) Follow your regular mental health treatment plan. I’m looking for… Wellness blogs are great way to stay informed and be inspired when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. WAIT-2020-square.png Do you need urgent help? Just a brief blog on some definitions surrounding mental health, and why it is important to keep yours healthy. Therefore, I decided to put a list together on how to improve your mental health. Thank you for raising awareness regarding mental health. It's only four months later, right⸮ This time there was only one other blogger I recognized (Hi, Natasha! Veterans’ mental health will receive an uplift of £10m in 2020/21 to fund projects and initiatives. I hope my posts have contributed some of that genuine hope to your feeds as well, but if you’re looking for more, I’ve collected the 7 best mental health blogs on the internet right now. In their article, Smith and colleagues [13] showcase the use of Implementation Science (IS) tools/principles to deliver and evaluate scale up of much-needed mental health services in the Global South. Mentally healthy kids grow to have a positive outlook and are able to tackle challenges, changes and events efficiently. 14 December 2020. find what you need. Subscribe for a weekly dose of inspiration. Here goes: Author’s Note: I’m taking some license with the term “Mental Health Blog” here so that this list can include blogs that focus on things like personal development and psychotherapy, too. Natasha Tracy is an award-winning writer, speaker and social media consultant from the Pacific Northwest. Don't roll your eyes! Huh, that wasn't so exciting after all, but the local BLM and news reporters sure made us laugh. Struggling with your mental health? Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Maybe 2020 really wasn't such an exciting year, after all. It can always feel a little daunting returning to work after some time off. Remember, you are not alone. Mental health & Lifestyle Blog. This year, the return to school looks different for students and their families across our community and nation. Secondly, 2020 has been the most sh*ttest year anyone has ever experienced! I’ll be delivering more of my findings from Mad World 2020 soon. Continue with therapy appointments. Here are 10 top mental health blogs to read in 2020. From the 18th-24th May 2020 is Mental Health Awareness Week. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted or, in some cases, halted critical mental health services in 93% of countries worldwide, while the demand for mental health is increasing. If you or a loved one struggles with suicidism, learn to rethink suicide, and gain coping strategies that work. It is hosted by the Mental Health Foundation in the United Kingdom, however, it is acknowledged as a global calendar fixture. Our blogs offer a longer look at some of the most pressing issues facing mental health policy and practice, written by people with lived experience and practitioners.
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