Note : 6.69. It features a new set-up, new artworks with the original 5 characters aged 10 years - to fit to the 10th anniversary edition of the base game - but also an unpublished character (Moriarty) that totally changes the dynamic of the game! La traque de Jack continue avec l'aide de six nouveaux enquêteurs, dont le machiavélique Professeur Moriarty qui brouille les pistes en imitant les suspects. Joseph Lane, an anarchist who builds barricades. Mr Jack Extension 3 Avis 5 sur 5 Donnez votre avis , € * € Eco-part Dont écotaxe : € Réf. Home / Mr Jack London Extension. Mr. Jack has swept the crowds into the bliss of two-player enjoyment. Notes. AN ESSENTIAL EXTENSION THAT REJUVENATES THE GAME! Please read :: Shipping Policy. Détails. Mr Jack London Extension . See critic reviews and community feedback Ce jeu est sorti le 29 sept. 2007, et a été ajouté en base le 28 sept. 2007 par Monsieur Phal. This extension for Mr. Jack is revised edition of the 2009 version. : HURMJA02ML 5 nouveaux personnages pour le jeu d'enquête Mr Jack - De nouveaux défis vous attendent avec cette extension. Out of those 137 two were chosen: Steve McKeogh's “Spring-Heeled Man” who can jump over other people or obstacles Arnaud Fillon's “Abberline”, an inspector The expansion contains these 2 new … After playing and losing as Jack several times I didn't hesitate to purchase the extension. $19.00 +-ADD TO CART. It features a new set-up, new artworks with the original 5 characters aged 10 years - to fit to the 10th anniversary edition of the base game - but also an unpublished character (Moriarty) that totally change the dynamic of the game! Rencontrez la séduisante Madame, fuyez l'effrayant Pizer, évitez la barricade du révolutionnaire Lane, esquivez l'Inspecteur Abberline, survolez Londres avec Spring-Heeled Man et méfiez-vous de Moriarty! Ages: 9+ You can be the proud owner of new characters, twists and plots to the capturing of Jack … Out of those 137 two were chosen Steve McKeogh's “Spring-Heeled Man” who can jump over other people or obstacles. L'extension de Mr Jack London avec six nouveaux personnages. This extension for Mr Jack London is a reedition of the 2009 one. [Mr Jack-l'extension] Ils sont forts ! Cette version est l'édition 2007. This extension for Mr. Jack is a revised edition of the 2009 version. A contest got the designers of Mr. Jack 137 ideas for new characters. Buy Mr Jack Extension at the lowest price by comparing prices across dozens of board game stores in the US, Canada, Australia, and UK. A contest got the designers of Mr. Jack 137 ideas for new characters. Mr. Jack Extension | Board Games | Board Games, bg | This extension for Mr Jack London is a reedition of the 2009 one. Voir plus de sujets. Mr. Jack: Extension is an expansion for the Mr. Jack deduction game that features refreshed artwork for the tenth anniversary of the game as well as an original character as strong as it is enigmatic: Professor Moriarty, whose special ability is to imitate one of the characters who is not at stake. It features a new set-up, new artwork with the original 5 characters aged 10 years - to fit to the 10th anniversary edition of the base game - but also an unpublished character (Moriarty) that totally changes the dynamic of the game! I did know, however, that it had been noted by many serious gamers (on boardgamegeek) that Mr. Jack only has about a 40% chance of winning the game. This is why we are glad to say we will be receiving its expansion, thanks to the kind folks at Hurrican Games who will be providing us with some. Dernier message fourer le 28 nov. 2007 à 08:30. Information; Article number: LUMHURRMRJ04EXT: Availability: In stock: Not being able to endure this any longer 8 investigators come together to try and uncover the mystery of Mr. Jack. Plus d'infos. To be honest, I haven't played the Mr. Jack base game that many times.
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