teresa amabile pensiero

, Boston, MA, April 01, 1995. Novembre 2008. "Creativity." Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, August 01, 2003. Divulgativo, in inglese. Her current research investigates how people approach and experience the transition to retirement. Fisher, Colin M., Julianna Pillemer, and Teresa M. Amabile. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Anaheim, CA, August 01, 1983. A., J. S. Mueller, and T. M. Amabile. ... . Look for the Daily Diary Study database on Harvard University’s Dataverse platform:  http://dx.doi.org/10.7910/DVN/25463. Amabile, Teresa, Steven Kramer, and Ela Ben-Ur. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, August 01–06, 2003. Amabile, Teresa M. "Creativity: What Is It? ", Perspectives on the Social Psychology of Creativity, "Meeting the Challenges of a Person-Centric Work Psychology. Author Virginia Lee Hunter visits Google's Santa Monica, CA office to discuss her book "Carny: Americana on the Midway." Amabile, Teresa M., S. G. Barsade, J. S. Mueller, and B. M. Staw. Amabile ha sostenuto che per migliorare la creatività negli affari, erano necessari tre componenti: Competenza (conoscenza tecnica, procedurale e intellettuale), Capacità di pensiero creativo (come le persone affrontano i problemi in modo flessibile e fantasioso), e … Amabile, Teresa M. "Emergent Creativity in Organizations." Amabile, Teresa M. "Creativity and the Psychology of Everyday Work Life." Hennessey, Beth A., and Teresa M. Amabile. "Motivation, Creativity, and Learning." Abbiamo già avuto modo di confrontarci, in questo articolo, con il pensiero di Teresa Amabile, docente ad Harvard e studiosa dei temi legati alla creatività. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Meeting, Baltimore, MD, April 1, 1984. She is a director of Seaman Corporation, and has served on the boards of other organizations. Così, quando venne e … Amabile, Teresa M., George P. Baker III, and Michael Beer. 98-036, November 1997. In Conducting Research in Familiar Settings. Winner of the 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Israel Organizational Behavior Conference in Tel Aviv. Amabile, Teresa M., and Steve J. Kramer. Emotions, perceptions and motivations at work are critical not only to employees’ performance, but also to their health and well-being. ", Hennessey, B. Winner of the 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of Management for her pioneering work on creativity in organizations. "Work Environments Differ Between Projects High and Low in Creativity." Amabile, Teresa M., and Victoria Winston. What really motivates workers (#1 in breakthrough ideas for 2010), Leader behaviors and the work environment for creativity: Perceived leader support, Inner work life: Understanding the subtext of business performance, Motivating creativity in organizations: On doing what you love and loving what you do. Amabile, Teresa M. "Events That Influence Creativity." Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, August 01, 1993. Received the Doctor of Humane Letters, Honoris Causa, from Canisius College in 1997. Amabile, Teresa M. "The 'Atmosphere of Pure Work': Creativity in R&D." Teresa and her colleagues have been exploring how various events at work affect these crucial psychological states. For over 30 years, Teresa Amabile has researched and written about creativity, innovation, and the motivational forces that influence them in individuals, teams, and organizations. Paper presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, May 1, 1995. Amabile, T. M., and S. S. Gryskiewicz. Big C, Little C, Howard, and Me: Approaches to Understanding Creativity. Rigolizzo, Michele, and Teresa M. Amabile. A second paper is currently under development. After spending two years. My current major research program is the Retirement Transitions Study: a broad study of retiring people’s everyday experiences, including identification with work; meaningfulness of work; changes in life structure, key relationships, and involvement in creative activity; and the role that these experiences (as well as other factors) play in attitudes toward and adjustment to retirement. "What Really Happens in Creative Projects: Event Sampling Through Electronic Data Collection." The book shows how to remove obstacles to progress, including meaningless tasks and toxic relationships. A., T. M. Amabile, and M. Martinage. View the profiles of people named Teresa Amabile. # Teresa Amabile ha individuato i killer della creatività: la sorveglianza (far sentire ai bambini di essere sotto controllo inibisce la creatività); infondere una eccessiva preoccupazione del giudizio degli altri; usare in modo eccessivo premi e ricompense; la competizione, l’eccessivo controllo, cioè dare ai bambi Intervista a Teresa Amabile, docente di Business Administration. Basta impostare la vita di classe in questo modo: far lavorare i bambini e le bambine per un riconoscimento; predisporre situazioni competitive; focalizzare la classe sulla valutazione; tenere i bambini e le bambine sotto stretta sorveglianza; proporre una ristretta gamma di scelte. management dell’innovazione trasferimento tecnologico prof. conicella che cos’è la creatività? "Assessing the Environment for Creativity: The Work Environment Inventory." Coon, H., D. Whitney, and Teresa M. Amabile. Teresa Amabile is a Baker Foundation Professor at Harvard Business School. So how do you intervene constructively? Our research team endeavors to contribute new insights that will be valuable to scholars, organizational leaders, and individual employees as they move through and past their careers. Amabile, Teresa M. "Negativity in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Reviews." Conti, R., H. Coon, and Teresa M. Amabile. Sapevo che l’avrei trovato suggestivo, ho aspettato il momento giusto per aprirlo e finalmente sono riuscita a ritagliare il tempo necessario per una lettura intensiva. Teresa is the author of The Progress Principle, Creativity in Context, and Growing Up Creative, as well as over 150 scholarly papers, chapters, case studies, and presentations. Amabile, Teresa M., and N. Gryskiewicz. Amabile, Teresa M., Sigal G. Barsade, Jennifer S. Mueller, and Barry M. Staw. "Le emozioni positive allentano i modelli di pensiero delle persone, portandole a pensare in modo più ampio ed espansivo, creando connessioni insolite tra le idee", afferma Amabile. "Person Perception." "The Best (and Worst) Days in Creative Project Teams: Some Preliminary Results." "Work Environment Differences between High Creativity and Low Creativity Projects." In, Hill, K. G., and T. M. Amabile. A., and T. M. Amabile. In, DeJong, W., and T. M. Amabile. "Immunizing Children Against the Negative Effects of Reward." "Le emozioni positive allentano i modelli di pensiero delle persone, portandole a pensare in modo più ampio ed espansivo, creando connessioni insolite tra le idee", afferma Amabile. il risultato dell’applicazione di una serie di strumenti consci Amabile, Teresa M., Jennifer S. Mueller, William B. Simpson, Constance N. Hadley, Steven J. Kramer, and Lee Fleming. Boston, MA, April 1, 1995. ", Effects of Instructional Style on Problem-Solving Creativity, Reward, Intrinsic Motivation, and Creativity, Looking Inside the Fishbowl of Creativity: Verbal and Behavioral Predictors of Creative Performance, "Motivating Creativity in Organizations: On Doing What You Love and Loving What You Do. In, Amabile, T. M. "Within You, Without You: The Social Psychology of Creativity, and Beyond." "Consensual Assessment." "An Examination of the Effects of Verbal Reinforcement on Creativity." She has presented her theories, research results, and practical implications to various groups in business, government, and education, including Apple, IDEO, Procter & Gamble, Roche Pharma, Genentech, TEDx Atlanta,the Society for Human Resource Management, and Pfizer. "Assessing Creativity and Its Antecedents: An Exploration of the Componential Theory of Creativity." Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, New York, September 01, 1979. The third, a novel theory of how two creative processes can appear under different sets of conditions, coauthored with former HBS doctoral student Johnathan Cromwell (currently on the faculty of the University of San Francisco), was published in 2018 as a chapter in Individual Creativity in the Workplace. Si tratta di Quiet, il potere degli introversi. Harvard Business Review, Jan.-Feb. 2014 issue. di Teresa M. Amabile, Mukti Khaire. Amabile, Teresa M. "Effects of Evaluation Expectation on Artistic Creativity." ", "The Downside of Downtime: The Prevalence and Work Pacing Consequences of Idle Time at Work. Novembre 2008. L’Amabile ritiene che “la creatività di individui e team sia indispensabile anche se non sufficiente per ottenere innovazione. Teresa Amabile: “La creatività è l’unione di tre ingredienti specifici: l’esperienza in un’area specifica, la capacità di pensare . A. Hennessey, and B. S. Grossman. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, August 01, 1985. In, Burnside, R. M., T. M. Amabile, and S. S. Gryskiewicz. 03-071, January 2003. "Benign Stress and Cognitive Performance in Organizations." Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA, August 01, 1999. ", Handbook of Principles of Organizational Behavior: Indispensable Knowledge for Evidence-Based Management, "Creativity, Improvisation, and Organizations. Sul piano formativo, tale direttrice si ritrova anche nella lettura di Teresa Amabile34, la quale identifica tre elementi che compongono il concetto di creatività: All rights reserved. Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC, September 1, 1983. Amabile, Teresa M., Jennifer S. Mueller, and Susan M. Archambault. ", "The Motivation for Creativity in Organizations. ", Amabile, T. M. "From Individual Creativity to Organizational Innovation." ", Hennessey, B. Moneta, Giovanni B., Teresa M. Amabile, Elizabeth Schatzel, and Steve J. Kramer. Ricevette lordinazione episcopale il 22 aprile successivo nella basilica cattedrale di San Luigi a New Orleans dallarcivescovo metropolita di New Orleans Alfred Clifton Hughes, co-consacranti gli arcivescovi emeriti Philip Matthew Hannan e Francis Bible Schulte. Mueller, Jennifer S., T. M. Amabile, William S. Simpson, Lee Fleming, and Constance N. Hadley. ", The Impact of Downsizing on Organizational Creativity and Innovation, "Person and Environment in Talent Development: The Case of Creativity. 97-023, September 1996. "Questions of Creativity." The Case For And Against Stressful Deadlines, 4 Components Required to Sustain Innovation, Why businesses should let employees work less, think more, Small Ways to Ignite Creativity and Joy at Work, Video: Why an engaged work force drives the bottom line, Bloomberg TV: Creativity in the Workplace, Track Your Small Wins to Motivate Big Accomplishments, The #1 Productivity Tool You Aren't Using, How to completely, utterly destroy an employee's work life. ... pensiero, è utile osservare le cose da diversi punti di vista, girare intorno alle teorie note, per ricavarne qualcosa di nuovo. "An Integrated Model of Dynamic Problem Solving within Organizational Constraints." In, Amabile, T. M., and A. H. Hastorf. "What Really Happens in Creative Projects: Event Sampling through Electronic Data Collection." The worst managers undermine inner work life, often unwittingly. Filled with stories from the companies studied, The Progress Principle equips aspiring and seasoned leaders alike with the insights they need to maximize their people's performance. Along with their colleagues, they have shown that people are more productive, creative, committed and collegial when they have positive emotions and thoughts about the work and when they are motivated by intrinsic interest in the work itself. Amabile, Teresa M., Sigal G. Barsade, Jennifer S. Mueller, and Barry M. Staw. Conti, R., and Teresa M. Amabile. 28 Aug 2012Globe and MailVideo: Why an engaged work force drives the bottom line, 26 Jul 2012Bloomberg TV: RewindBloomberg TV: Creativity in the Workplace, 01 May 201299UTrack Your Small Wins to Motivate Big Accomplishments, 01 May 2012ForbesThe #1 Productivity Tool You Aren't Using, 06 Mar 2012Washington PostHow to completely, utterly destroy an employee's work life. ", Amabile, T. M. "Research on Innovation: Who Needs It? ", "Corporate New Ventures at Procter & Gamble. uno studio sul diritto comune ", How I Motivated Myself During My Darkest Times, The Three Secret Elements Of Staying Motivated At Work Every Day, Ad Agency Enlists Comedians to Get the Creative Juices Flowing, Spire's Peter Platzer: the boss who never fires anyone, Why What Happens Every Day Means More Than Scoring a Big Success, The Crisis in Worker Engagement & The 2 Things You Should Do About It, Dealing With Employee Disengagement: Competition vs. Amabile, Teresa M. "Mechanisms of Creativity." Amabile, Teresa M., and R. Conti. Amabile, Teresa M. "Creativity: Some Stories and a Model." She has also published several articles in Harvard Business Review. In 2020, she was named one of the top 50 scholars, by citation count, in business/management (PLOS Biology). Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Meeting, Boston, MA, April 1, 1992. A., T. Amabile, and J. M. Mueller. In, Amabile, T. M. "A Model of Creativity and Innovation in Organizations." observing, interviewing people, and conducting surveys at one office of IDEO, the authors discovered four keys to building a help-friendly organization that leaders of other organizations could learn and apply to similar effect. Amabile, Teresa M. "Work Environment Differences between High and Low Creative Projects." Collins, M. A., and Teresa M. Amabile. By  Teresa M. Amabile, and Steven J. Kramer. A. Hennessey, and E. M. Tighe. Conti, R., T. M. Amabile, and S. Pollack. Academic researchers now have free access to data from Teresa Amabile’s daily diary study of 200+ professionals working on 26 creative projects in 7 companies in 3 industries. "The Relationship between Work Environment and Creativity." L11 febbraio 2003 papa Giovanni Paolo II lo nominò vescovo ausiliare di New Orleans e titolare di Valona. She serves on the editorial boards of Creativity Research Journal, Creativity and Innovation Management, and Journal of Creative Behavior. In, Hennessey, B. How do people’s feelings, thoughts and drives affect their performance at work? Sul piano formativo, tale direttrice si ritrova anche nella lettura di Teresa Amabile34, la quale identifica tre elementi che compongono il concetto di creatività: The database includes detailed coding of “event of the day” stories from the nearly 12,000 diary submissions, as well as quantitative measures of psychological state collected daily; performance ratings collected from close colleagues and supervisors monthly; and demographics, personality, motivational orientation, cognitive style, perceptions of the work environment, and other measures, collected at other times during the study. Paper presented at the International Creativity and Innovation Networking Conference, Greensboro, NC, September 01, 1992. In, Ross, L. D., and T. M. Amabile. ", "Deep Help in Complex Project Work: Guiding and Path-Clearing Across Difficult Terrain. "User's Guide for KEYS: Assessing the Climate for Creativity." "The Influence of Time Pressure on Creative Thinking in Organizations." In. Amabile, Teresa M. "Reflections on the Nuances of Creative Leadership across Contexts." Stubbs, M. L., and Teresa M. Amabile. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Meeting, Boston, MA, April 1, 1992. Amabile, Teresa M., and D. Schlesinger. ", "How to Make Sure Good Ideas Don't Get Lost in the Shuffle. "Perceived Individual Creativity in Organizational Teamwork as a Function of Personality and Gender." Amabile, Teresa M., L. Ross, and J. Steinmetz. For a complete chronological list of Teresa's publications, see her Curriculum Vitae. Small wins yield a big payoff in morale and satisfaction. Teresa Amabile is a Baker Foundation Professor at Harvard Business School. "Rape and Physical Attractiveness: Judgements Concerning the Likelihood of Victimization." "Environmental Determinants of Work Motivation, Creativity, and Innovation: The Case of R&D Downsizing." In Understanding the Nuances of Creative Leadership across Contexts (PDW Workshop). Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. Paper presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, May 1, 1995. In. Teresa Amabile. L’Amabile ritiene che “la creatività di individui e team sia indispensabile anche se non sufficiente per ottenere innovazione. In, Amabile, T. M., and W. DeJong. Privo ormai di risonanza, forte e fragile ceramica, l’adulto si vide nell’opacità dell’altro. ". In 2014, we published a Harvard Business Review article on this topic. Amabile, T. M., C. Patterson, Jennifer Mueller, T. Wojcik, P. Odomirok, M. Marsh, and S. Kramer. Amabile, T. M., K. G. Hill, B. Publications based on the data have included the book The Progress Principle, as well as several scholarly journal articles, practitioner articles, and case studies. Amabile, Teresa M. "Creativity in Research and Development." Amabile, Teresa M., J. S. Mueller, W. B. Simpson, L. Fleming, and C. N. Hadley. In, Amabile, T. M., and Jennifer Mueller. Paper presented at the Conference on the Social Psychology of Science, Memphis, TN, May 01, 1990. Chap. Report, Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC, May 1987. 27 in. In this article, authors Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer seek to help C-suite managers understand the traps that can impair the productivity of their workforce. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA, August 01, 1990. PDF/STAMPA. A. Hennessey. Secondo Teresa Amabile, eliminare ogni forma di creatività dal lavoro scolastico è semplice. "A Researcher Visits the Teacher's Lounge." "Affect and Creativity at Work: A Daily Longitudinal Test." ", Ross, L. D., T. M. Amabile, and J. Steinmetz. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, August 01, 1997. "DENA Coding Scheme (Detailed Event Narrative Analysis)." Amabile, Teresa M. "Social Influences on Creativity: Interactive Effects of Reward and Choice." Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Diego, August 01, 1998. Originally educated and employed as a chemist, Teresa received her Ph.D. in psychology from Stanford University. Amabile, Teresa M. "Labor of Love: A Brief History of a Creativity Research Program." Amabile, Teresa M., and L. Kabat. Mukti Khaire. ", Amabile, Teresa M., and Julianna Pillemer. Amabile, Teresa, Colin M. Fisher, and Julianna Pillemer. Whitney, D., J. Ruscio, Teresa M. Amabile, and M. Castle. In, Amabile, T. M. "Social Environments that Kill Creativity." In, Amabile, T. M., and S. S. Gryskiewicz. Teresa Amabile draws from her new book The Progress Principle to explain how companies can overcome the "crisis of disengagement" occurring in the workplace. Ruscio, J., D. M. Whitney, and T. M. Amabile. Amabile, Teresa M. "The Creativity Maze." ". Teresa was the host/instructor of Against All Odds: Inside Statistics, a 26-part instructional series originally produced for broadcast on PBS. Una nuova era del pensiero, Un altro pensiero, Il mio pensiero, Ten Directions - Il lancio del pensiero, Va, pensiero, Forma-pensiero, Nuovo Pensiero, Morin ", "Keeping a Diary to Catalyze Creativity. ", "Entrepreneurial Creativity Through Motivational Synergy. 15 Jun 2014BBCAre we about to see the rise of robot bosses? Amabile, Teresa M. "Tracking Creativity in the Wild." Paper presented at the Brandeis Conference on Research in Education, September 01, 1979. "Leader Behaviors and the Work Environment for Creativity: Perceived Leader Support." In un primo studio (1985) ha chiesto agli studenti di un corso di scrittura creativa presso la … Does high stress trigger creativity at work? Dai tempi del pensiero convergente e divergente (Guilford, 1957; Cropley, 1969) si è giunti ad sostenere un pensiero ... L’esempio dello stufato non è in realtà di Goleman, ma di Teresa Amabile. ", "Satera Team at Imatron Systems, Inc. (A), The. "Creativity under the Gun at Litmus Corporation. "Creativity, Improvisation, and Organizations.". Amabile, T. M., D. Whitney, J. Weinstock, L. Miller, and C. Fallang. Moneta, Giovanni, Teresa M. Amabile, Elizabeth Schatzel, and Steven J. Kramer. Amabile, Teresa M., and Michael G. Pratt. "Assessing the Work Environment for Creativity." Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work. Amabile, Teresa M. "Little C Creativity." 11 Jan 2012McKinsey QuarterlyHow leaders kill meaning at work, Investigating how life inside organizations can influence people and their performance. Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. ", Motivational Synergy: Toward New Conceptualizations of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in the Workplace. Così, quando venne e … Vita e Pensiero - Pubblicazioni dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Largo A. Gemelli, 1 - 20123 Milano P.IVA IT02133120150 - R.E.A. "Perceptions of Negative Evaluators: Unlikeable but Smart." Amabile, T. M., R. Burnside, and S. S. Gryskiewicz. , Boston, MA, April 01, 1995. "Stimulate Creativity by Fueling Passion." The first, a revision of my 1988 componential theory of creativity and innovation, was coauthored with Michael Pratt (Boston College) and published in Research in Organizational Behavior (online, 2016; print, 2017). Amabile, Teresa, Constance N. Hadley, and Steven J. Kramer. Amabile, Teresa M., and Jeremiah Weinstock. "Coding Manual for the DENA Coding Scheme (Detailed Event Narrative Analysis)." Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Meeting, Arlington, VA, April 1, 1993. "Intrinsic Motivation and Artistic Creativity: The Effects of Naturally-Occurring Interest, Affect, and Involvement." What Does a Theory of Creativity Require? In addition to participating in various executive programs at Harvard Business School, she created the MBA course Managing for Creativity, and has taught several courses to first-year MBA students. Quindi la gente siede nei meeting e vuole apparire smart, e la maniera migliore per farlo, secondo la ricerca di Teresa Amabile, è di essere critici. Hennessey, B. In aiuto, per rispondere a questa importante domanda, ci arrivano gli studi e le ricerche di Teresa Amabile docente della Harvard Business School. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association Annual Convention, Los Angeles, April 01, 1976. Amabile, Teresa M. "Social Environments that Kill Creativity." Dai tempi del pensiero convergente e divergente (Guilford, 1957; Cropley, 1969) si è giunti ad sostenere un pensiero ... L’esempio dello stufato non è in realtà di Goleman, ma di Teresa Amabile. PDF/STAMPA. Amabile (Amabile, Hadley, Kramer, 2002) ha individuato alcuni ingredienti deleteri per questa in ambito lavorativo, tra i quali ritroviamo: Il lavoro sotto sorveglianza o sotto pressione (ad esempio, di scadenze troppo ravvicinate) Attività lavorative svolte in presenza di regole stringenti o che limitano fortemente l’autonomia di scelta Paper presented at the Conference on Corporate Growth and Diversification through Technology Management (Address), University of Michigan, Institute of Science and Technology, Industrial Development Division, November 01, 1984. Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer have coined the term “inner work life” to describe the psychological experience of people at work. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New York, September 01, 1979. ", Brilliant but Cruel: Perceptions of Negative Evaluators, The Social Psychology of Creativity: A Componential Conceptualization, A Negativity Bias in Interpersonal Evaluation, The Social Psychology of Creativity: A Consensual Assessment Technique, "Children's Artistic Creativity: Detrimental Effects of Competition in a Field Setting. ", Beyond Talent: John Irving and the Passionate Craft of Creativity, From Guilford to Creative Synergy: Opening the Black Box of Team Level Creativity, "Changes in the Work Environment for Creativity during Downsizing. Amabile, Teresa M. "Within You, Without You: The Social Psychology of Creativity, and Beyond." ". Come possono i manager alimentare il pensiero creativo, anche in situazioni di stress? But it's forward momentum in meaningful work-progress-that creates the best inner work lives. ... (e per nulla pallosa) conferenza, Teresa Amabile, docente alla Harvard Business School ed esperta di creatività nel mondo del business, ha dimostrato quanto è utile registrare con costanza gli avvenimenti professionali e personali della nostra vita. In addition to providing a comprehensive theory of creativity, Teresa’s work in this area has led to a method for assessing creativity and a set of prescriptions for supporting creativity and innovation. Recipient of the 2017 Distinguished Scholar Award from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, a division of the American Psychological Association. "Effects of Planning on Problem-Solving Creativity." Amabile, Teresa M. "What is that Social Psychologist Doing in this Classroom?" 97-022, September 1996. Quindi la gente siede nei meeting e vuole apparire smart, e la maniera migliore per farlo, secondo la ricerca di Teresa Amabile, è di essere critici. Join Facebook to connect with Teresa Amabile and others you may know. The fourth, an essay on the importance of intrinsic motivation and the social environment for creativity, appeared in 2018 as a chapter in The Nature of Human Creativity. Amabile, Teresa M. "The Motivation for Creativity." Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, August 15, 2009. Harvard B. Amabile, Teresa M., Dana Vashdi, E. Miron-Spektor, and Vered Holzmann. ", "Satera Team at Imatron Systems, Inc. ", Multi-Rater Assessment of Creative Contributions to Team Projects in Organizations, "Inner Work Life: Understanding the Subtext of Business Performance. 03-079, March 2003. Home | About Teresa | Books | Research | News & Events | Services | Contact. 99-119, April 1999. ". Amabile, Teresa M., and Douglas T. (Tim) Hall. Amabile, Teresa M., and Sarah S. Khetani. Collaboration, 15 Aug 2014Inc.Why Happiness at Work Matters, 14 Aug 2014Fast CompanyWhy It's Time To Manage Progress and Not People, 31 Jul 2014EconomistDecluttering the company. ... pensiero, è utile osservare le cose da diversi punti di vista, girare intorno alle teorie note, per ricavarne qualcosa di nuovo.

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