C’est bon de… and Il est bon de… generally mean the same thing: “It’s good to …” But Il est bon de… has a more formal, less personal context. Then, you could say something like: « Je suis arrivé en retard et il n’y avait plus de popcorn ; heureusement, c’est un bon film. » (“Do you want more beans? So, at least for us Americans, if you feel ill, your first instinct is to say Je ne me sens pas bon, the literal translation of “I don’t feel good.” But in French, as in many other forms of English (and, many people would point out, proper grammar) you should only modify a verb with an adverb. Yes, this is the most literal translation of this common phrase. FluentU brings English to life with real-world videos. Although you’re right – this doesn’t have any particular bearing on this French-related post, thank you all the same for sharing your thoughts on this and for educating me. 317.1K Fans. But I looked into this and you are absolutely right. Bon Temps Grill's Whiskey Sin. This variation of c’est bon is actually the most common one of them all. — It’s good that we learn French. Or maybe you just encountered them together for the first time earlier in this very article. — Let’s leave at nine o’clock; that’s good. Merci! C'est meilleur quand c'est bon. This is one of my favorite French expressions. You can also use it to express frustration when you’ve had enough of a particular situation or problem. C'est si bon Lyrics: (Si bon si bon) / C'est si bon (Si bon si bon) / Lovers say that in France (Si bon si bon) / When they thrill to romance (Si bon si bon) / It means that it's so good / Ah c'est si They love to eat it and they love to talk about it. Not only is this correct grammar; when you say Je ne me sens pas bon, French people will understand “I think I smell bad.”. The exaggeration in this phrase makes it informal; after all, the French tend to downplay their enthusiasm. Learning English becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. This is a similar meaning to “that’s good,” but a different usage. The ownership had changed, and the current owner … That said, this kind of statement is less common than simply saying C’est un bon livre. C'est Bon, French quotes, stylish quotes, home decor, french poster, square poster, typography, black and white art, french fashion CocoAndDeeDesign. Was it, in fact, bon, or did you make a funny mistake? The latter shows enthusiasm and/or surprise, while c’est un(e) bon(ne)… is a more general way to state an opinion. If the difference between c’est bon and c’est bien seems clear now, it doesn’t always simplify things. Non merci, je ne veux pas de vin. Note that this structure works because it implies a ton of enthusiasm for something; if you just want to say something is good, or even very good, but in a more neutral way, the most common phrase with bon that you’ll hear to do this is C’est un bon film or C’est un très bon film. C'est Bon est une série ludique qui développe le goût et l'envie de manger mieux.Chaque sujet met en scène un aliment, un nutriment, un geste de bonne conduite alimentaire, un … So you won’t hear this phrase in formal or traditional settings or movies/TV shows. The album was produced by Roger Bechirian. » (Come on, enough now – stop telling me that I don’t know how to do it!). So, when do we use c’est bon to mean “It’s good”? C’Est Bon is a delightful coffee shop Just ran in tonight and noticed everything was different. Note that you can also say c’est tellement bon. English. But the truth is, c’est bon can mean so much more. Ce livre, il est bon. — Literature (in general) is good. L’exercice, c’est bon pour le santé. Some things just look good, sound good, feel good. With that in mind, C’est bon can be used to express exasperation – for example, «Oh l à l à, c’est bon, arrête de me dire que je ne sais pas faire. Here’s how they differ: Remember that bon is an adjective that means “good”, while “bien” is an adverb that means “well.”. It’s no secret that the French love food. Je suis libre ce vendredi soir. » (In France, pains au chocolat aren’t expensive. La litterature, c’est bon. Swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you’re learning and play the mini-games found in the dynamic flashcards, like "fill in the blank.". » (So, we’ll tidy up, have lunch, and then we’re done, we can go.”). C'est Bon was opened August 1, 1986 with only a few family members & close friends working here. C’est un bon prof. — That’s a good teacher. Or “Ce n’est pas bon, ce gateau” (This cake is no good). Unfortunately, we also use the adjective “well” to mean “not ill.” So, “I don’t feel well” can literally mean that you do feel ill. English, huh—it’s just as hard as French, even for those of us who have spoken it forever. Bon Bon Bon ️C'est Bon C'est Bon! For example, Ce n’est pas bon de voler. Often, you’ll hear people say, “I feel good” or “I don’t feel good,” but actually, this is incorrect. Be careful to always use C’est, not Il or Elle est. English words for c'est bon include It's nice., That's all right., it's all right, It's ok, it's good, that's OK, it is good and this is good. You just have to know where to look! It was released in 1983 via Epic Records. If you want to say an action is good, you would use C’est bon de… followed by the infinitive. That’s enough, now!). Simply use c’est bon to ask about the best day or time, or to say what works for you. Download: FluentU uses a natural approach that helps you ease into the French language and culture over time. Foncez … That’s because C’est bon followed by a noun shows emphasis – you really like this thing/person/animal or are surprised that you do! In the meantime, there’s more good news: Most French people will probably understand what you mean whether you use c’est bon or c’est bien. vs. C’est un bon livre. » (It’s good to think about things that make you happy.) Is that good for you? C'est Si Bon is a true, family owned and operated restaurant that has expanded to 3 locations and 1 food truck over the years. I’m okay. (Okay, I know that “de” technically translates to “of”, but if you’re somewhat familiar with French, you know that “de” is an equivalent of “to” when using certain verbs or phrases.). When you’re learning a language, some phrases seem like a dream come true, easy to understand and translate. C'est Bon … In other words, did they do the exercises right? But in this case, they’re asking about the overall experience of going to the movie, the movie itself, etc., which is not a sensorial experience but rather an abstract combination of events in which they did not take part. Mon mari, il est bon. C’est un bon ami. and last updated 2021-03-09 20:23:49-05. Ce poulet, c’est bon ! » (But could you stop talking about chocolate? This is the same as « Comme c’est bon », just longer to say and a slight bit more formal. The first two meanings of c’est bon are somewhat related; after all, if something is correct, it’s generally considered to be good, as well. Welcome TO C'EST BON The Authentic Chinese Restaurant with a French Name. https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/well_2. In this context, the phrase c’est bon is also used to describe the good feeling of physical contact between lovers, aptly described in this famous song by Dean Martin. C’est bon à savoir. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. (Download). To say, “I don’t feel well” correctly states that your sense of touch doesn’t work very well. C'est Bon is always looking for qualified individuals in mud engineering, safety supervising, completions supervising, and drilling supervising. In English, the “well” in “I don’t feel well”, is an ADJECTIVE (not an adverb): https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/well_2. It is all very fine and well to trust a minister with one's hopes and dreams, but some caution is required. So, you should say “I don’t feel well” – Je ne me sens pas bien.”, I haven’t finished reading your entire post, but the point made in this sentence about English is not correct. This is especially true when learning French. — That’s a good pizza. I agree. The negative form of c’est bon. This is why you say la glace est bonne (the ice cream is good), as opposed to je vais bien (I’m doing well). — It’s good to think before speaking. However, il est (and its feminine form, elle est) refers to something specific. There are many useful expressions that use the phrase c’est bon. ), C’est bon de manger des légumes. The perfect way to illustrate this is with a funny (and sometimes embarrassing) mistake many of us non-native French speakers have made or will make at some point. It can also be used like the informal English expression “I’m good.” For example: « Tu veux encore des haricots? (It is good to eat vegetables. All Rights Reserved. It gives you extra practice with difficult words—and reminds you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned. In this case, it means “That’s enough” or sometimes even “It’s done.” A synonym in French is a phrase you’ve probably heard, Ça suffit. Please check your email for further instructions. Il est bon de manger des légumes. — This chicken is good! C’est bon can be used to confirm that something is correct. C’est Bon Oilfield Services is a professional recruiting company based in east Texas. Click here to get a copy. C’est bon que tu sois heureux. With these points in mind, you’re well on your way to mastering this phrase, and being able to talk about all the things in life that are wonderful and pleasurable. - Daily Pilot (read full article) Phone (949) 645 - 0447 . But don’t be surprised if you hear this same phrase during a torrid sex scene. — It’s good to be happy. For example: C’est trop bon, ce film. Other sites use scripted content. C’est bon. The good news is, the more you hear and use these phrases, the more you’ll start to instinctively use them the right way – trust me. As in languages like English, you can use it to talk about everything from food, to water temperature, to plans. Someone might reply, «C’est bien de penser aux choses qui te rendent heureuse. In English, we call this person “the one”, which is also beautiful in its way. You can use it as a standalone statement, or add what you’re talking about. For a more detailed explanation of the difference between bon and bien, take a look at this helpful video lesson. You’ll often hear French people finish a task and say “C’est bon!” or plan something: «Alors, on fait le ménage, on déjeune, et puis c’est bon, on partira. Location. Think of it this way: C’est bon, ce livre. Instead, it’s typically part of a longer sentence. C’est bon de manger les légumes. C’est un bon pizza. = It’s/This is a good book. It’s the perfect temperature. In general, if you know English, you can usually directly translate the preposition or article you’d use in English into French. From shop CocoAndDeeDesign. © 2021 Enux Education Limited. Like Ça suffit, in this context c’est bon is often followed by the word maintenant. If you’re using this phrase with a noun (for example, “a good friend,” “a good teacher” or “a good pizza”), you use the masculine form of the noun. C’est bon has four main possible meanings. So for example, let’s go back to that phrase I think on the daily, C’est trop bon, le chocolat! Ouvert en juillet, le Deli, dans l’esprit de ceux qu’on trouve à New York et Montréal, est une pépite. Example: Si on se voit vendredi, c’est bon pour toi? » You can also use this phrase as a sentence: Comme c’est bon de partir en vacances ! Enough already! It’s good!”. C’est bon que nous apprenions le français. When using the phrase c’est bon in conversation, there are a few grammatical concerns to keep in mind.. Wow. in 2014. The best, most concise explanation I’ve found for when to use which comes from this article: C’est bon is used when talking about physical sensations/the body. However, unlike c’est bon, you don’t usually hear it as a standalone phrase. C’est bon de penser avant de parler. C’est bon pour moi. How to form a basic sentence with c’est bon. English Translation of “c’est bon, n’est-ce pas ?” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. For example, if you tap on the word "crois," you'll see this: Practice and reinforce all the vocabulary you've learned in a given video with FluentU's adaptive quizzes. » So, don’t be afraid to use it or shocked by hearing it. C'est C Bon is the fifth album by Carlene Carter. That doesn’t seem to make much sense; after all, if you want to say the film is good, you’d use the adjective, bon. — It’s good to learn French. Serving delicious authentic French cusine, and a wide selection of wines. For example, when I was teaching English in French elementary schools, after they filled out the worksheets I gave them, the kids would ask me, C’est bon? If you master it, your conversations will flow better and you’ll sound more like a native speaker. 13,809 likes. “Tu aimes le dessert ?” … “Oui! C’est bon que tu me rendes visite. In all these examples it’s your body speaking (and very often your stomach speaking). Note that this is NOT the equivalent of something being good for your health. Thanks for subscribing! C’est bon is one of those, as its name coincidentally implies. This is similar to the difference between “good” and “well” in English. — It’s good to eat vegetables. But in reality, despite the surface similarity, they’re not the same. — It’s good that you’re happy. C’est bon, cette soupe à l’oignon! — That’s good to know. When using the phrase c’est bon in conversation, there are a few grammatical concerns to keep in mind. You’ll learn French as it’s actually spoken by real people. FluentU has a wide variety of great content, like interviews and web series, as you can see here: FluentU brings native videos within reach with interactive subtitles. can take anywhere. Un classique de Nova, c'est bon et on aime vraiment. — It’s good that you visit me. — Dinner at six o’clock is good for me. C’est bon de boire une bière après le ski. ), « C’est bon à savoir ! Never, in any of that time, do I recall of my teachers or professors specifically explaining that “well” is not just an adverb. Je ne me sens pas bien. As you study, FluentU tracks the vocabulary that you’re learning and uses this information to give you a 100% personalized experience. Another way of saying you like something is to use the construction: le chocolat, c'est bon, les fraises, c'est bon, la vanille, c'est bon, regardless of gender etc.. but if you talk of a particular item and you want to say it is tasty , you may say: Remember what I wrote before; C’est un(e) bon(ne)… is the most typical way to say something is good. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, Sign up for our weekly blog newsletter for a chance to win a free FluentU Plus subscription (value $240), Get regular language learning tips, resources and updates, starting with the "Complete Guide to Foreign Language Immersion" e-book. Mastering C’est Bon: Grammatical Concerns and Usage Notes. C’est bon is a useful expression for making or confirming plans. French. If you’re using this phrase with a noun (for example, “a good friend,” “a good teacher” or “a good pizza”), you use the masculine form of the noun. C’est un bon pizza. I would use bon here because I’m talking about the taste of chocolate, a sensorial experience. Here’s something I think at least once a day: C’est si bon, le chocolat. Track listing — This book (specifically) is good. (It’s good to eat vegetables/It’s good that you eat vegetables.). So, you should say “I don’t feel well” – Je ne me sens pas bien. 5 out of 5 stars (38) 38 reviews $ 12.82. Posted at 7:23 PM, Mar 09, 2021 . Cesse de se plaindre; c’est bon. And that’s just what they’ve done with the often-used phrase c’est bon. C’est is more often used for generalities or abstractions. This common phrase translates to “This is/It’s really good/This is so good./Isn’t it great…” For example, imagine if you’re on a trip with a friend and they test the water of your five-star hotel’s swimming pool. C’est bon !” — “Do you like the dessert?” … “Yes! — She/he is a good friend. But just thought to point it out. Dans l'ensemble c'est bon et le service est sympathique. The simplest way to tell the difference between them is to remember that bon typically describes a noun (like ice cream, an actor or the weekend) while bien is used to describe verbs (like doing, being or dancing). — I’m free this Friday evening. For example: C’est bon, ce livre (This book is good). (This onion soup is good! C’est bon maintenant ! Apply for a job in the Texas oil and gas industry with C'est Bon Oilfield Services. The first location was opened in 2014 starting on Douglas Blvd. Brings the best coffee and crepes to Miami – in the ultimate luxury sundry shop to include magazines, newspapers and tobacco items. If a French person is 1. talking fast, 2. a young kid just mastering their language, or 3. using informal or “street” language, you’ll usually hear them say C’est pas bon instead. Another rule to keep in mind when using c’est bon with a verb: be diligent about choosing the correct verb form for that construction. In the case of c’est bon, you have several options. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc, or its affiliates. Quand est-ce qu’on utilise c’est bon de et c’est bon à? I was a straight-A student in every English and writing class I ever took, and took some linguistics courses in college. However, any verbs used with the expression c’est bon de need to be in the infinitive form. You’ll often see it in general statements or academic papers. That being said, there aren’t always hard and fast rules for using bon and bien in French, and the divide between the two can be somewhat vague, especially when it comes to a short phrase like c’est bon or c’est bien. There is absolutely nothing vulgar about eating a cake your sweet little old lady French neighbor made and saying appreciatively, «Miam, c’est bon! Confusing c’est bon and c’est bien is a common mistake for us French learners. Searching for c’est bon returns a list of example sentences drawn from real-world videos that use the phrase: FluentU takes real-world videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons. c 'est bon, c'est grand, c'est petit, c'est important ... regardless of what you are talking about. So if you’re just stating an opinion, it’s better to stick with C’est un(e) bon/bonne…. Au restaurant . (Check out this good old French song by Eartha Kitt for some great examples of how this phrase is used.). C’est bon de… is a bit less formal and can have a personal context. It’s also a great way to look up French vocabulary words like c’est bon in context. C’est bon pour toi ? The Subjunctivisor! Note that the verb in this phrase has to be conjugated in the subjunctive. This probably does not affect the point you are making. Note that if your body isn’t too happy about what you’re eating or doing you can use « c’est bon » but in the negative form so « ce n’est pas bon », or the contrary of « bon … It seems that in the case of “feel”, it is indeed considered an adjective, not an adverb, which has me going wild because there are all those people out there who correct others and say you should say “well,” not “good” when you talk about how you feel. — That’s good for me. Every definition has examples that have been written to help you understand how the word is used. Main menu for C'est Bon. LOCATION 609/611 Stanley Street Woolloongabba, QLD 4101 Free parking is available behind the restaurant CONTACT 07 3891 2008 bonjour@cestbon.com.au The Subjunctivisor! Les details les explications et le fait que l’on puisse toujours apprendre. This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you It is sung byMasaya Onosakain the voice of France. Phrases with c’est bon – a plethora of prepositions and articles, Other common c’est bon expressions that don’t directly translate, What’s the difference between C’est bon de… and Il est bon de…. (Does Monday evening at 6 o’clock work for you?). This may seem to make things more complicated, but actually, it’s the opposite. Guests can also order sandwiches, wraps, pressed paninis, and some local flavored favorite dishes like chicken with rice and beans. » « Non merci, c’est bon pour moi. C’est bon qu’elle ait un chat. Hours. Though generic, c’est bon is an excellent catch-all phrase when a restaurant server inquires how your meal is, or your hostess wants to know if you’re enjoying your dessert. One caveat: you might want to enrich your vocabulary with other ways to talk about food. — I love the sunshine; it’s good. — No dessert for me. Pourquoi est-ce qu’il pleut encore ? — No, thank you, I don’t want any wine. Just saying “it’s good” is sometimes too vague and generic. Shop C'est Bon in Coral Gables, FL at Shops at Merrick Park! Cet odeur, c’est bon ! He’s/She’s the one. Find more French words at wordhippo.com! C’est bon is the perfect phrase to convey that. — I like the cake. UPCOMING EVENTS – C'est Bon | French Restaurant ... ... UPCOMING EVENTS “But in French, as in many other forms of English (and, many people would point out, proper grammar) you should only modify a verb with an adverb. It seems like a pretty bland phrase, even somewhat meaningless. ” “No thanks, I’m good.”), Taking things a bit farther, you can go from “enough” to “done”. In English, you can say “I don’t feel well,” but in American English, at least, “I don’t feel good”, while grammatically incorrect, is much more common (just think about poor Spiderman’s words to Iron Man in “Avengers: Infinity War”). If you translate c’est bon word-for-word, this is what you get, and it’s perfectly correct. If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to learn French with real-world videos. The album was also her last pop album before she switched to mainstream country music for I Fell in Love (1990). C’est bien is used when talking about general things/the mind. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases. You may have seen both of these very similar phrases before. So when should you use c’est bon and when should you use il est bon instead? For example, if you went to see a movie, a French friend would ask you “Alors, c’était bien, ce film?”. » (That’s good to know!). — I don’t feel well. It just goes to show you that in language, there are always exceptions to every rule. Although you may hear something like, Le jus d’orange, c’est bon pour toi (Orange juice is good for you), it’s much more common to hear this expressed as, Le jus d’orange, c’est bon pour la santé. Example: « En France, un pain au chocolat ne coûte pas cher. Whatever its meaning in a particular context, the negative form of c’est bon, as you’ve probably guessed, is ce n’est pas bon. C’est bon d’être heureux. "Good Good Good ️It's Good It's Good")is the sixth image song for the characterFranceinHetalia: Axis Powers. That’s one of the reasons I love languages – even in our native one, there are always things to learn and discover. It’s also the reason you use bien (instead of bon) to talk about how you’re feeling. — My husband is good. Let’s say that you had a terrible time but that the movie itself was good. (It’s good that you like your stepfather.) If you think my mind is in the gutter, you only have to do an online search for “C’est bon” – you’ll see the Urban Dictionary definition (that is, this sexy meaning) as one of the top results. We fulfill the needs of Operators seeking highly skilled professionals by providing experienced, eager and equipped workers, leaders and professionals within the oil and gas industry. Specials Daily Lunch Specials available Menu * Menu items and prices are subject to change without notice and are displayed for informational purposes only. It’s much more common for French people to say C’est un bon or C’est une bonne followed by a noun, to express that something is good, than C’est bon(ne), ce(tte) [noun]. Le meilleur sandwich au pastrami de Paris c’est chez Will’s Deli, qui fournit aussi tous les restaurants étoilés. C'est Bon Restaurant, Mermentau, LA. I’ve had enough. What’s the difference between c’est bon and c’est bien? They tell you, «Comme c’est bon! When you use them to make a sentence, some French phrases are closely associated with a particular preposition or article. FluentU takes real-world videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play, adjectives always have to take on the same gender as the nouns they describe, Oh Là Là: How to Use This Quintessential Phrase Like the French, Job Opportunity: Help Thousands Learn French by Turning Videos into French Learning Content, Class Is in Session: The 20 Best Sites for Online French Courses, Where to Download French Learning Videos for Any Language Skill, 15 Incredibly Useful Sites with French Listening Exercises to Quickly Sharpen Your Ears, The 6 Best Websites to Self Study French (All the Way to Fluency).
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