rostra, with a diadem. 1 Making the most of his having the same name as the great Brutus who overthrew the Tarquins, they scattered broadcast many pamphlets, declaring that he was not truly that man's descendant; for the older Brutus had put to death both his sons, the only ones he had, when they were mere lads, and left no offspring whatever. 3 When he showed himself pleased with these honours also, they accordingly voted that his golden chair and his crown set with precious gems and overlaid with gold should be carried into the theatres in the same manner as those of the gods, and that on the occasion of the games in the Circus his chariot should be brought in. 2 Then, seizing his body, some wished to convey it to the room in which he had been slaughtered, and others to the Capitol, and burn it there; but being prevented by the soldiers, who feared that the theatre and temples would be burned to the ground at the same time, they placed it upon a pyre there in the Forum, without further ado. 4 Great as this task is, however, you will deal with it successfully without incurring any hardship or danger, without spending money or causing bloodshed, but simply by voting this one thing, to bear no malice against one another. 02 Nov 2011. And he certainly would have spared even Pompey himself if he had captured him alive.  p371 statement they hear strong enough; but your minds, because of your good-will, must inevitably prove impossible to satisfy. But our foes, both those who dwelt near the friendly tribes, and all the rest who inhabited Gaul, he subjugated, acquiring, on the one hand, vast stretches of territory, and on the other, numberless cities of which we knew not even the names before. réussir aisément, il transféra de nouveau du peuple aux prêtres 3 For this reason, Conscript Fathers, I have always thought that we ought to advise you with sincerity and justice on all matters, but especially in the present circumstances, when, if without being over-inquisitive we come to an agreement, we shall both be preserved ourselves and enable all the rest to survive, whereas, if we wish to inquire into everything minutely, I fear that ill â but at very opening of my remarks I do not wish to say anything that might offend.  p339 with many wounds. magistratures, prétendant se conformer aux prescriptions de César. Néron succède à Claude; présages de sa grandeur 3—7. And how, on the other hand, as often as they had recourse to murders and bloodshed, the one side deluded by the plea of defending themselves against aggression, and the other side by an ambition to appear to be inferior to none, no good ever came of it? 4 At all events he waived the celebration of the triumph because of the business that was pressing, and after thanking you for the honour he was content with that alone for his glory, and entered upon the consulship. 1 "That this is true you also have learned by experience. By Macrinus he was entrusted with the administration of Pergamum and Smyrna, and on his return to Rome he was made consul. Likewise Sulla, â not to speak of Cinna or Strabo or the rest who came between, â powerful at first, later defeated, finally making himself master, was guilty of every possible cruelty. 2 When they had begun to honour him, it was with the idea, of course, that he would be reasonable; but as they went on and saw that he was delighted with what they voted, â indeed he accepted all but a very few of their decrees, â different men at different times kept proposing various extravagant honours, some in a spirit of exaggerated flattery and others by way of ridicule. ", 34  p325 accused them and put their conduct to the vote. pour collègue. 2 For I think that all of you are firmly convinced that I have never adopted an attitude of friendship or hostility toward any one for purely personal Dion Cassius est un historien déprécié. Livres 45 & 46, Dion Cassius, Jacques Jouanna, Belles Lettres. 2 But in case any one should be so rash, they hoped at least that the gladiators, many of whom they had previously stationed in 4 1 The privileges that were granted him, in addition to all those mentioned, were as follows in number and nature; for I shall name them all together, even if they were not all proposed or passed at one  p311 possessed a stable government. 10 To meet the present insurrection] “ Tumulti causâ. mentionné dans l'histoire. Lupercalia, and one special day of his own each time in connection with all gladiatorial combats both in Rome and the rest of Italy. 1 "How after this he brought Egypt to terms and how much money he conveyed to you from there, it would be superfluous to relate. TOME CINQUIÈME : LIVRE XLIV Traduction française : E. GROS. Añadir a la cesta. also spelled Dion Cassius or (in Byzantine sources) Dio ... Much of the work is preserved in later histories by John VIII Xiphilinus (to 146 BC and then from 44 BC to AD 96) and Johannes Zonaras (Zonaras, Joannes) (from 69 BC to the end). 2Eve nw h eD i o r ts aPl pcfC ,d y one of those orations. But Corfinius should be Cornificius; and Amantius should probably be C. Matius. Dion Cassius reports that many battles were fought "with the heavy balance of disaster borne upon the Romans." Dion Cassius says that he preferred engaging with Antonius, who had the larger army, rather than with Metellus, who had the smaller, because he hoped that Antonius would designedly act in such a way as to lose the victory. 1 "Yet this father, this high priest, this inviolable being, this hero and god, is dead, alas, dead not by the violence of some disease, nor wasted by old age, nor wounded abroad somewhere in some war, nor caught up inexplicably by some supernatural force, but right here within the walls as the result of a plot â the man who had safely led an army into Britain; 2 ambushed in this city â the man who had enlarged its â¢pomerium; murdered in the senate-house â the man who had reared another such edifice at his own expense; unarmed â the brave warrior; defenceless â the promoter of peace; the judge â beside the court of justice; the magistrate â beside the seat of government; at the hands of the citizens â he whom none of the enemy had been able to kill even when he fell into the sea; at the hands of his comrades â he who had often taken pity on them. Igor Pantereech/Shisdess/Cassius Mc Fawner/Lionel Indies/Nick Edwardson. Dion Cassius says that he preferred engaging with Antonius, who had the larger army, rather than with Metellus, who had the smaller, because he hoped that Antonius would designedly act in such a way as to lose the victory. Dion Cassius - "Who The Hell" - (3:49) 140 BPM. 5 Why need I waste time by reciting to you, who know them equally well, the names of Valerius, Horatius, Saturninus, Glauca, the Gracchi? If we are to believe priests of Melkart quoted by Herodotus (II, 44) it was founded in the twenty-eighth century B.C. Dio Cassius (Cassius Dio), ca. 37 45 Voir Dion Cassius, L, 28, 1. Plusieurs néanmoins les honorèrent comme des des sacrifices et d'immoler des victimes à César comme à un dieu. Paulinus, who seems to have rejoined his army, engaged the British in a savage conflict that was … This is a most astonishing fact and one without a parallel, that they were spared before they were accused and saved before they encountered danger, and that not even he who saved their lives learned who it was he pitied. 27. We cannot now prevent its having happened.  p331 to get together all the others who were of the same mind as themselves and these proved to be not a few in number. â¢spolia opima, as they are called, at Texte établi et traduit par V. F., traduit et annoté par E. B. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2008. Vespasian was the first emperor from an equestrian family and only rose into the senatorial rank as the first member of his family later in his lifetime. 4 Well then, after Pompey's death and that great slaughter of the citizens, did any quiet appear? 1 Subsequently, however, when he was riding in from the Alban Mount and some men again called him king, he said that his name was not king but Caesar; but when the same tribunes brought suit against the first man who had termed him king, he no longer restrained his wrath but showed great irritation, as if these very officials were really stirring up sedition against him. 33 plus, il enleva aux uns et donna à d'autres de l'argent et des Lucius Cassius Dio or Dio Cassius (Ancient Greek: Δίων Κάσσιος) was a Roman statesman and historian of Greek and Roman origin. 5 "This is what I have to say for the present, in face of the pressing need. He came early to Rome with his father, Cassius Apronianus, a senator and high official. Buy. The city is called in Hebrew, Zor, and in Arabic, Sour, from two words meaning rock.It is very ancient. décideraient tous ensemble. Melchite archdiocese and Maronite diocese. Played by: Blame it on the dutch / MWM-recs, NSEKT. published in Vol. IV Dio's industry was great, and the various offices he held gave him opportunities for historical investigation. LIVRE XLIII. Their mistake was due to the fact that Cornelius Cinna, the praetor, had taken part in the attack. He was also influenced 42 but that by means of them I might persuade you to save at least what is left. Sueton in Neron. 3 There is no need to give a full list of the names, for I might thus become wearisome, but I cannot omit to mention Trebonius and Decimus Brutus, who was also called Junius and Albinus. Africa knows, Spain knows, the multitudes who perished in each of those lands. Certes, son magnum opus est vulnérable aux critiques, mais sa narration continue, qui couvre plusieurs périodes depuis la fin de la République jusqu'au troisième siècle, se révèle une source indispensable. 13 x 20 cm, CXI-199 p. en partie doubles.  p337 that to the soothsayer who had once warned him to beware of that day he jestingly remarked: "Where are your prophecies now? 3 As a result of this and of rivalry (for man is very prone when wronged or believing himself wronged to be bold beyond his power) many are frequently encouraged to incur dangers even beyond their strength, with the idea that they will conquer or at least will not perish unavenged. pour lui ce sacerdoce. And as soon as the first intense pain was past, she despised the wound, and coming to him, said: "You, my husband, though you trusted my spirit that it would not betray you, nevertheless were distrustful of my body, and your feeling was but human. They also resolved to build bolt doors!" 3 Again, his conduct toward his friends and other associates was remarkable. Amulet Of Ego #2. 2 When, however, the excitement subsided, and Antony himself was charged with the duty of investigating the acts of Caesar's administration and carrying out all his behests, he no longer acted with moderation, but as soon as he had got hold of the dead man's papers, made many erasures and many substitutions, inserting laws as well as other matters. The climax to the victorious Boadicean War ended in a most unpredictable manner at Flintshire in 62 A.D. -- where the modern town of Newmarket now stands. How Caesar was murdered (chaps. 19â22). de l’Histoire romaine de Cassius Dion, sous la direction de V. Fromentin et d’E. 43 Note 1. proposition soit une tentative à ce sujet, et, de plus, mettant For what loss could you sustain, even if this man or that does hold something that he has obtained apart from justice and contrary to his deserts, so far-reaching as the benefits you would obtain by not causing fear or disturbance to the men who were formerly powerful. 6 For just as they exceeded their hopes by defeating their foes, they might perhaps in turn have been unexpectedly worsted. He held high offices, becoming a close friend of several emperors. 3 So far, indeed, am I from acting in the way I have mentioned, instead of looking out for the public safety, that I affirm that the others, too, should not only be granted immunity for their high-handed acts, contrary to established law, in Caesar's lifetime, but that they also should keep the honours, offices and gifts which they received from him, though I am not pleased with some of these. This is the translation of Plutarch's word πελάτης, which word πελάτης is used by the Greek writers on Roman history to express the Latin Cliens. 2 The reason assigned for its destruction was that a And again, even though a base man should obtain supreme power, yet he is preferable to the masses of like character, as the history of the Greeks and barbarians and of the Romans themselves proves. Livres 45 & 46 (Années 44-43) Dion Cassius (Auteur), Jacques Jouanna (Direction), Estelle Bertrand (Traduction) Carte Fnac+ à 7,99 pendant 1 an pour tout achat-5% livres en … 5 Also he was grieved when he heard of Pompey's death and did not praise his murderers, but put them to death for it soon after, and moreover even destroyed Ptolemy himself, because, though a child, he had allowed his benefactor to perish. p. 1014. I say consuls, for Antony, fearing that Dolabella would head a revolt, took him as his colleague in the consulship, although he was at first not disposed to do so, on the ground that the office did not yet belong to him. MWMV 003DIG 25 Feb 13 Dirty Dubstep/Trap/Grime.  p309  p365 side. Caesares a little later, about a.d.120. Directory Breakdown (grouped) Total hits for Period : Average hits for Period % of page hits / 333151 : 11105.03 : 100.00 /hodoi/ While this was being done, the assassins also promised the soldiers that they would not undo any of Caesar's acts. 1 Caesar, accordingly, was so long in coming that the conspirators feared there might be a postponement, â indeed, a rumour got abroad that he would remain at home that day, â and that their plot would thus fall through and they themselves would be detected. 1 "For these and for all his other acts of legislation and reconstruction, great in themselves, but likely to be deemed small in comparison with those others which I need not recount in detail, you loved him as a father and cherished him as a benefactor, you exalted him with such honours as you bestowed on no one else 2 and desired him to be continual head of the city and of the whole domain. Then, 11, Tacitus, Annal. Ils prenaient ces précautions pour 2 This, indeed, is the reason why I have been recalling former events, not for the purpose of giving a list of our public calamities (would to Heaven they had never occurred!) Another queen of the same name is mentioned by Strabo (XVII, i, 54), and after him by Dion Cassius (Hist. bûcher (les os avaient été enlevés par les affranchis de César et to ride from the Alban Mount into the city on horseback. D'abord ils envoyèrent sans retard dans les colonies ceux à  p373 actually enhanced it; so that if anyone was inclined formerly to argue that Aeneas could never have been born of Venus, let him now believe it. 150– 235 CE, was born at Nicaea in Bithynia in Asia Minor. 1 "That he did all this, moreover, from inherent goodness and not for appearances or to reap any advantage, as many others have displayed humaneness, there is this further very strong evidence, that everywhere and in all circumstances he showed himself the same: anger did not brutalize him, nor good fortune corrupt him; power did not alter, nor authority change him. Pour les autres livres, nous nous appuyons, sauf mention contraire, sur la traduction de la CUF. and to perish also themselves. Cette traduction est plus littérale que littéraire et elle n'est sans doute pas exempte de fautes. Cassius Clemens, brought to trial circa AD 195, for having espoused the side of Gaius Pescennius Niger, defended himself with such dignity that Septimius Severus granted him his life and allowed him to retain half his property. 11, Tacitus, Annal. Written in Ancient Greekover 22 years, Dio's work covers approximately 1,000 years of history. Many of these also he spared by allowing all his associates and those who had helped him conquer to save the life of one captive each.
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