great western trail ‑ jeu

Insert box for the boardgame Great western Trail boite de rangement pour le jeu n’hésitez pas a imprimer et me donner vos retours !! Fait Learn how and when to remove this template message, Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture - Great Western Trail, Great Western Trail article including photos and video on, Oklahoma Digital Maps: Digital Collections of Oklahoma and Indian Territory,,,,,, Trails and roads in the American Old West, Articles lacking in-text citations from September 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, Texas articles missing geocoordinate data, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 March 2021, at 21:11. Despite its popularity, traffic along the trail began to decline in 1885 due to the spreading use of barbed wire fences and legislation calling for a quarantine of Texas cattle due to the "Texas Fever", a disease spread by ticks. In 1896 the Cowboy's Reunion was organized and had 10,000 spectators. 2 last things to explain. If you start to feel a little headache, no worries, this is normal, an aspirine and you will be fit again. Great Western Trail has an awful lot going on and you might want to get the snacks and comfy chairs ready: this is a game that needs a long rules explanation before you get going, as all the options (and there are many) are going to be available to the players in the first couple of turns. Great Western Trail™: Rails to the North Player Expansion Overlay (set of 1) $ 2.45 View. There are many (be it on the general board or on the personal one): These strategies are very subtle as they play on many elements. They will need to have a strategic vision and build a strategy throughout the game. If it is an competitor building, one can only do the personal actions. The nasty smell of men’s perspiration. In great western trail, you are rival cattlemen in 19th century America, herding cattle from Texas to Kansas city in a circular trail. It was long ago that playing cowboys and Indians had not been so exciting. All the different ways of winning VPs are extremely well balanced. 4 engines 10. > Boardgames > Strategy games > Great Western Trail - Ruée vers le nord Sign in They are all double-sided and we will randomly determine on which face each building will be available for all players for the game. Here is what is waiting for you in Great Western Trail. Hiring a Worker During the event, riders cross the river each year from Oklahoma and usually arrive just before noon. Final Thoughts: Great Western Trail is an amazing game. Although rail lines were built in Texas, the cattle drives north continued because Texas rail prices made it more profitable to trail them north.[1]. While it wasn't as well known, it was greater in length, reaching railheads up in Kansas and Nebraska and carried longhorns and horses to stock open-range ranches in the Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana, and two provinces in Canada. Everything you do in the game will bring you VPs. One of the major ones was stampeding. Currency Coin Bundle Compatible with Great Western Trail… 4 cattlemen 8. In addition of being one of the many sources of victory points, selling cattle is your main source of income. Finding a stone crossing such as Big Elk was ideal. It was a huge, red, sandstone bluff that was taller than a man's head, with spring water spilling out of its face and pooling at the bottom. Jeff Scott was the retired cowboy who broached the idea and it 'took'. All of your favorites, all under one roof! If, on the other hand, you have arrived on an adverse building or on a danger tile, you will only be able to carry out one of the auxiliary actions available on your personal board. One of the shirts for 2017 features a design by Harold Dow Bugbee, former curator of the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum in Canyon, Texas, which depicts longhorns and a cowboy crossing the Red River at Doan's Crossing. Texas placed its first marker at the Doan's adobe house during the 121st Doan's May Day Picnic of 2005. Great Western Trail je komplexní strategická ekonomická hra zasazená do období velkého rozmachu Divokého západu v 19. století. This is due mainly to players comprehending the iconography and aspects of strategy understanding each subsystem. In part due to the Great Western Cattle Trail's traffic, Seymour was seen as an ideal place to host a cowboy reunion. And yes, money management is important in Great Western Trail. 1 game board 2. In Great Western Trail, you will make several trips to the Far West and will arrive several times in Kansas City. So if I have 3 blue cows, 2 reds and 1 green when arriving in Kansas City, I will only be able to deliver 1 blue, 1 red and 1 green (and I will have to discard the other ones anyway…). The herd of each player is represented by cow cards. Great Western Trail has players taking on the role of cattle herders wrangling those beasts from Texas on up to Kansas City. 47 building tiles 15. There the postmaster Corwin F. Doan (1848-1929) also operated a store to supply the cowboys. The major ones were Mt. And at the end we add on the 493 areas where you can score points, et the one having the most wins. Some buildings have hands on them, if you go over them or stop an opponent building with a hand one must pay 1 or 2 dollars to the owner. You play a stockbreeder who will make his herd grow before going to Kansas City to make it delivered to other cities. Great Western Trail, a quintessentially American game set in the Old West, designed by an Austrian and published by a German company, is a pretty heavy euro.At first glance (and, honestly, at … Il faudra embaucher du personnel (cow-boys, artisans et ingénieurs). Last, each player has also 10 personal buildings that she or he will be able to build during the game. Jahrhundert: Als Viehzüchter treibt ihr wiederholt eure Herden von Texas nach Kansas City, wo ihr sie per Zug auf die Reise Richtung Westen schickt. Cowboys had to be able to jump on their horses at a moments notice during the night in case of such an instance. est-ce normal? Of course, the Trail Boss never did give the usual 7 to 8 heads the Natives asked for, but usually gave 3 to 4 of the cattle that would either die on the trail, not fetch as good a price as others at market, or was one of the stragglers from a different drive. by radiofyr309 Thu Dec 15, 2016 3:26 am 10: Sun Dec 18, 2016 1:02 pm by radiofyr309. If a herd got spooked, that would mean that as many as 3,000 longhorn cattle would be in a panic-induced stampede. Worth noting that each player has the same material, be it the buildings or the personal board, there is no asymetry (that is a good idea for an extension for Essen 2017, stockbreeders with asymetric powers, I am going to propose this to the author :)). – The more you have engineers, the farther will go your train … The game is clearly not for beginners. – move your train (and potentially stop at a station to take a bonus token or simply have VP at the end) At the most your capacity of movement is at the most you will be able to optimize your movement and go faster in the race to the delivery of the cows. 4 starting objective cards 14. Its theme, the Far West that is only found in a few games (do not hesitate to taste the excellent Carson City and Flick’em up ). Pak nezoufejte, díky deskovce Great Western Trail: Cesta na západ (dále jen GWT) si to můžete vyzkoušet. Vous pouvez aussi vous abonner sans commenter. Vast: The Mysterious Manor + Haunted Hallways, Masters of Renaissance: Lorenzo Il Magnifico – The Card Game, Vin d’jeu d’soutien: Asmodee vous offre 5 nouveaux jeux, Anachrony Fractures of Time (Infinity Box). What about the game itself? 92 cattle cards 12. 4 player boards 6. A round Great Western Trail is a medium to heavy Euro game that has players building decks of cattle, placing personal buildings, moving trains and delivering herds to Kansas City. display: none !important; Most of the time river crossings are unfortunate because they will bog down the cattle in mud that will be difficult to push lagers and sore-footed animals through at the end. Devenez le meilleur éleveur du grand ouest américain : guidez vos bêtes, recrutez le personnel le plus compétent, évitez les pièges et optimisez vos actions ! – move your stockbreeder by one or two squares and realise the actions on the building where you stop. Money is so much limited in the game and that it will be necessary to constantly make sacrifices in your choices of expense. Even in cities the dangers of the trail continued. We do quite a few actions in our turn so that the turn passes quickly. We are 100% immersed in Great Western Trail and do not feel the time pass. Great Western Trail je hra, ve které je úkolem hráče dopravit své stádo krav do Kansas City a následně ho vlakem dopravit do dalších míst rozsáhlé severní Ameriky. Dafür müsst ihr eure Herden gut in Schuss halten und die Gebäude entlang des Pfads klug nutzen. It was placed at a horseshoe bend in the creek, which acted like a natural corral to contain and herd the animals during the crossing. Great Western Trail happens to be a much larger and denser engine-building game that has deck building as a key component. from LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve at Dean St./CR 53 (St. Charles) to Old State Rd at E. State St./SR 64 (Sycamore). 37 were here. Great Western Trail™ V2 Foamcore Insert ( pre-assembled) $ 43.95 Out of Stock. Great Western Trail je komplexní hra, ve které do sebe vše pěkně zapadá. Mt. Waouw. We fight the Indians through another action that rewards us with money while passing a danger is an action that rewards us in VPs. Later, in order to commemorate the significance of the cattle-drive era, two markers were erected in the 1930s at Doan's. If you have arrived on a neutral building or to one of yours, you will realize to the most interesting actions. But you can only deliver once per city, and each city has a minimum expected value. It is on these buildings that you can carry out your actions. These cards will bring you extra VPs if you succeed in completing the objective: to deliver in such city, to have built x buildings, to have fought x Indians or past x tiles dangers. There is therefore a (small) notion of deckbuilding (knowing that one action allows you to definitely remove a card from your deck) that makes the game even more enjoyable. Great Western Trail sees players taking on the role of 19th century cattle herders, travelling from Texas to Kansas City with hopes of sending off the greatest variety of cows on the newly founded railroads to Topeka and beyond.  =  One marker was erected in 1972 by the Seymour Historical Society, another four have been added since. Seymour was historically a popular campsite for cowboys since it was a major supply center. Although not original, it is a system that I particularly appreciate because it brings fluidity to the game. If it is only worth 11, I have to deliver to the one having as minimum value 10, 8, 6… or 0, which is the only city where you can always deliver (with the one requesting minimum 18). cinq 4 certicate markers 11. The last major Cattle drive up the trail was on its way to Deadwood, South Dakota, in 1893. Fort Elliot troops took it from there. 37 were here. However, the "Great Western Trail" not only requires that you keep your herd in good shape, but also that you wisely use the various buildings along the trail. Achetez le jeu Great Western Trail [ENG] de Eggertspiele ici chez Spelhuis! The Washita River soldiers were believed to be the ones who carved on Soldier's Spring during their patrols, though no one has ever confirmed it. It is in the wishlist of 80 users. Via the « buy cows » action you can buy new cards, more expensive. The Great Western Trail is a north-south long distance multiple use route which runs from Canada to Mexico through five western states in the United States.The trail has access for both motorized and non-motorized users and traverses 4,455 miles (7,170 km) through Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana.Designated a National Millennium Trail Great Western Trail (IL) spans 17 mi. But beware, because just like in Ticket to Ride, if you can not complete a goal, it will cause you to lose VPs. Doan had kept a meticulous record of the companies and trail bosses along with the number of cattle that crossed his path each year, allowing for numbers and history to be preserved, so a marker was fitting. C'est tout ça qui fera de vous le propriétaire du ranch le plus célèbre et riche du Texas ! Sell cattle Votre adresse de messagerie ne sera pas publiée. Oklahoma set the first post south of the city at Altus. The Great Western Cattle Trail was first traveled by Captain John T. Lytle in 1874 when he was transporting 3,500 longhorn cattle up from Southern Texas into Nebraska. – At the most you have cowboys, at most you can buy cows cards and at least they will cost you The cattle were taken to towns located on major railroads and delivered north to establish ranches. 5 station master tiles +55 coins 16. 24 objective cards 13. The picnic was first held in 1884 on the first Saturday of May at the now-ghost town of Doans, north of Vernon, Texas. In 2003 a new project was launched in order to place cement markers every six to ten miles along the trail, from the Rio Grande to Ogallala, Nebraska. Even after a game that led us to finish in the small hours, we wanted to do a new one directly. 1 job market token 17. So ensure that your train is as far as possible. This offers a lot of variety to the games. Zuletzt aktualisiert am 08.03.2021. 18 hazard tiles 4. A barbecue lunch and T-shirts are available for purchase, and a king and queen are crowned at the event. During the time of the Great Western Cattle Trail there was also the forced relocation of Native Americans to the Cheyenne-Arapaho Reservation, effectively destroying native way of life. It is quite long and will fill your whole evening but we never wait very long. Due to the project launched in 2003 it is easy for people to find where the Great Western Cattle Trail was since there are now cement markers every six to ten miles along the way. 1. – recruit 1 or 2 workers. Vin d’jeu d’soutien: Funforge vous offre 60 jeux!!! The iron horse’s strident sound that brings you in the great cities of the american west. Then each player has his own board, on which you are going to place your workers (cow boys, engineers or simple workers), on which you will have your personal actions (I come back to this) and on which you have a certain number ot tokens that will be used each time you deliver a herd or stop in a station. The strident neigh of horses. There is a central board on which you are going to move your stockbreeder (always forward, and potentially skipping some places, like in Egizia or Caylus) to arrive to Kansas City, where you will be able to make your cows delivere to other cities via the train (train that you will also move, and that will be able to stop at some stations, which is not the same as delivering your cows to a city), where you will build buildings allowing to get additional actions, where you will buy new cows to improve your herd, and where you will recruit cow boys, engineers and workers allowing you to realise some actions in a more efficient way. Cow boys allow you to buy more cows / at a cheaper price. Hráči se stávají rančery a opakovaně ženou svoje stáda z Texasu do Kansas City, odkud po železnici putují dál. You can hire 3 types of workers: cowboys, craftsmen and engineers. It replaced the Chisholm trail when that closed. The Boot Hill Cemetery at Dodge City was soon populated by Cowboys and the civilians and occasional town marshal they put there. Session de jeu de Great Western Trail - Épisode 1 - YouTube A strategic vision is necessary to properly manage the construction of your buildings, in the right order, in the right places to take advantage of it. Your cattle are then shipped by train, earning you money and victory points. Or better (with the Texan or Kansas City accent if you can): Yihaaaaaaaaaaaaa! #09 | Great Western Trail. At the most the sales value is great, at most you will be able to deliver in a distant city and at most of the VPs you can gain at the end of the game. The second thing you can manage is the type of auxiliary actions you have on your personal board. Finally, a first play of Great Western Trail is a LONG ride, clocking in at nearly double the expected play time. It was a fantastic place to camp while along the trail. And yes, you will have to manage your hand and your deck of cards. SwatSh: 10/10. Description from the publisher: In Great Western Trail, you are rival cattlemen in 19th century America, herding cattle in a circular trail from the south of Texas to Houston, where your cattle are then shipped by train, earning you money and victory points. Engineers allow you to move your train faster. In fact, cowboys and Indians mingled in peace. Les champs obligatoires sont indiqués avec *, +  It wouldn't be long before they reached Big Elk Creek, and needed to cross it. – exchange cards in your hand (see below the part about the cards representing your herd) You can also increase the size of your hand. Ruée vers le nord is the first expansion for Great Western Trail, a boardgame published in french by Plan B Games. 2 There is a lot to say… Let’s start by a description of the main elements. - Great Western Trail - La Gran Ruta del Oeste - Statistics for the boardgame: "Great Western Trail" It is in the cart of 8 users. Well, where do we start? Amerika im 19. Despite the apparent languidness of the journey, there were always dangers. View amenities, descriptions, reviews, photos, itineraries, and directions on TrailLink. 72 Radio Review #114 - Great Western Trail. It took almost one hundred days to reach their destination. To se děje pomocí několika postav a lokací, samozřejmě s ohledem na protihráče. Players are faced with tough choices throughout the game. All that remains of it today is a few broken rocks and a small, spring-fed pool. Ultimately the player that garners the most points by game end will be the winner, however there are many, many ways to garner said points. And despite all that, the game turns wonderfully. Great Western Trail was one of the most awaited new games of the last Essen show due to several elements.. Its designer first, Alexander Pfister, designer of our Vin d’jeu Game of the year 2016: Mombasa, but also the designer of other very good games like Broom Service, Isle of Skye et Port Royal.. With Great Western Trail, Alexander is at the top of his art! But it wasn't only natural noises that could cause a herd to stampede. You'll discover all of our great games here, as well as our imprints - Next Move Games, Eggertspiele, and Pretzel Games. Gain an objective card After crossing, it would take maybe a day or so to reach the next landmark: Soldier's Spring. Soldier's Spring is not as easily found today. This pack is the same for each player at the start of the game. If it is one of his or her buildings or a neutral one, all actions may be realised, the ones on the building or the personal ones. They will have to make sacrifices because the little money they will earn will have to be spent wisely. It is very simple. And yes, managing your workers is one of the keys to success . Great Western Trail was one of the most awaited new games of the last Essen show due to several elements. View. Notifiez-moi des commentaires à venir via émail. Nejsou složitá, naopak vše do sebe logicky zapadá a po prvním přečtení budete mít jasný obrázek o tom, jak se hraje. The Great Western Trail ran south of and roughly parallel to the Chisholm Trail into Kansas. }. They have already made great games such as Cuba, Camel Up, Istanbul, Rokoko (one of our best games of 2014),  Kanban, one of our best games of 2015) and Panamax, to name but a few. The deafening mooing of thousands of cows that you lead to the slaughter. The aim being to bring the most expensive herd possible to Kansas City, as you will receive as many dollars as the value of your herd. It is not overly complex but you have many rules, many different mecanisms, and the possibilities are numerous. And that’s it! Once it starts to flow, the games are really fun. The reason it was called Soldier's Spring was that it reportedly had names and ranks cut into it and the surrounding rocks. Je vois que 6 notes sont données à western trail mais seuls 3 commentaires et 3 notes sont visibles? At the beginning of the game, each player has the same 10 buildings. Čím větší a hodnotnější stádo provedete mapou, tím lépe pro vás. C.E. Hire capable staff, such as cowboys to improve your herd, craftsmen to build your cattle posts, or engineers for the railroad line. And knowing that in addition to receiving money when you deliver, you have to put a token from your personal board on one of the cities on the central board (the one where you deliver). The dusty roads in Kansas. Over a period of 3 months, some 10,000 to 12,500 steers were moved from the Yellow Houses, at the south end of the XIT Ranch, 1000 miles north to Cedar Creek. Votre adresse de messagerie ne sera pas publiée. This is a dense one, the setup alone will make your head hurt but it is worth it. In five short years, it became one of the most traveled and famous cattle trails in U.S. history. Then the herd could let off steam safely and calm down while causing as little damage as possible. Great Western Trail is a boardgame published in french by Plan B Games. So if this value is 12, my herd needs to be worth minimum 12 for me to be able to deliver. And even if the game is slightly linear (you « always » do the same things), the replayibility is present as the central board will be different at each game. The Great Western Cattle Trail was used during the late 19th century for movement of cattle and horses to markets in eastern and northern states. Doan's was seen as the last "stepping-off point" before entering Indian Territory that sold supplies, firearms & ammo, tobacco, provisions, Stetson hats, and anything else that would be required on the long trek. There is no game round in Great Western Trail. Whether with your train, your cattle, your workers, your money, the dangers, the objectives, your personal tray or your buildings, everything brings you VPs. It is in this city that you will load your cattle on a train in order to sell it in one of the big cities of the train line. Kansas City Its designer first, Alexander Pfister, designer of our Vin d’jeu Game of the year 2016: Mombasa, but also the designer of other very good games like Broom Service, Isle of Skye et Port Royal. And money is hard to win. Eleveur texan au 19ème siècle, vous menez régulièrement votre bétail jusqu'à Kansas City, d'où vous l'expédiez à travers les Etats-Unis. Action’s mechanic 54 worker tiles 3. Je proto potřeba, abyste se podrobně seznámili s pravidly. Boutique de jeux de société / Cartes Magic the Gathering - Pokemon autres TCG / Donjons et Dragons Hra pochází z mysli Alexandra Pfistera, jež přinesla také Port Royal nebo Ostrov Skye: Jak se náčelník stal králem. Podobnost lze nalézt v některých mechanismech, ale … This is an important caracteristic of the game: the rules are long and numerous, because there are a lot of elements, but once explained and understood (which doesn’t create any particular problem, there is nothing overly complex) the flow of the game is easy and straigthforward. It was not always so, however. Each player plays at his or her turn, with no notion of round (except to start the game of course). 1 scoring note pad Daimyo, la renaissance de l’empire + Miniature Set, Les Ruines Perdues de Narak (Lost Ruins of Arnak), Magic The Gathering: La renaissance de Zendikar, Daimyo, la renaissance de l'empire + Miniature Set. There are no new mechanisms here and the familiar ones you’ll find ar… Bonjour, Tokens which will give a bonus or allow an additional personal action. Verdict? In Great Western Trail, you are a cowboy who will travel to the Far West to bring your herd of cows to Kansas City where a train will take them to a city of your choice to sell them. Then, depending on the selling value, you will decide in which city you will be moving your cattle. In turn, you move your cowboy a number of spaces between 1 and your maximum capacity of movement. They will also have to manage a multitude of factors that make the game complex and deep. Descriptif du jeu Great Western Par l'auteur de Mombasa Great Western a gagné le Diamant d'or 2017, prix qui récompense les jeux pour joueurs expérimentés. You will have the opportunity to clean your deck and improve your hand by discarding and drawing cards in order to have the best hand of cards when you arrive in Kansas City. You will understand that your ability to move is one of the many elements you can manage in the game. Great Western Trail | Board Games | Board Games, bg | In Great Western Trail, you are rival cattlemen in 19th century America, herding cattle in a circular trail from the south of Texas to Houston, where your cattle are then shipped by train, earning you money and victory points. The explanation of the rules took us 1 hour… Ok this is basically it for the description. The Texas Trail was used by the XIT Ranch for trail drives connecting Tascosa to Dodge City until 1885. They will allow you to discard cards for money, draw new cards, advance your train, make it going back, earn pennies, advance your cowboy, to carry out auxiliary actions, …. But as the game progresses, you will be able to acquire new, more powerful cards. However, experienced euro game players will find they’re in familiar territory. – The more you have craftsmen, the more you can build buildings more powerful and bringing you more VPs But problem, each delivery at the city requesting « only » 0 will give you negative points at the end of the game… So you will have to manage your herd at best in order to never deliver to the « 0 city »… Delicious! There they would graze for two years before being shipped to Chicago.[2]. Also, it might be a good idea to hire capable staff: cowboys to improve your herd, craftsmen to build your very own buildings, or … Great Western Trail is a relatively simple game to play, but it has a fairly complex set of ways to assess the board and score points that combine to make it a real head scratcher. by SwatSh Wed Dec 28, 2016 4:10 pm 2: Thu Dec 29, 2016 10:42 am by AlexP. That trail was used from 1886 until 1897. [4], Markers were also placed in another major stopping point of the Great Western Cattle Trail, Seymour, Texas. Each player plays in turn until the end comes. [citation needed]. Your herd Build a building A little bit like Terra Mystica or Scythe, when you take a token from your personal board, you will be able to unlock a space that will give you an extra capacity: you can do a side action, increase the size of your hand, increase your movements, to get an extra value for your cow cards, … A good management of your personal board will bring you even more possibilities. At that point the only thing that could safely stop them would be to corral them till they were all running in one big circle. The management of the travel of your locomotive is also very important …. The game ends when almost all workers have been recruited. Amuse-toi bien yoann. – definitely remove one of your cards Alexander Pfister has probably been inspired by our beloved Feld . Simple workers will allow you to build more powerful buildings. A vous de bien gérer la "Great Western Trail" et les différentes étapes au fur et à mesure de la route. And it must not be neglected. What are the possible actions? This was not only problematic for everyone involved in the Cattle Drive, but it also meant greater potential loss than if they had peacefully paid the Native's toll, and could cause lasting damage to settlers. First off there was the response tactics aforementioned, but Cowboys would also sing softly to their cattle while on watch in order to cover up any sharp, unexpected noises that could cause the herd to spook, and they were extra careful when the weather turned stormy. The adobe house, built in 1881, is the oldest in Wilbarger County, and is open for tours during the picnic. When hostilities got particularly bad, the Soldiers assigned to the Washita River Crossing by Edwardsville Rock was in charge of escorting Cattle Drives from the Red River's Doan Crossing to the Washita River. Je však potřeba, abyste si dali pozor na detaily. Tepee, Big Elk Crossing, and Soldier's Spring. – buy cows Same principle with some obstacles existing in the game (mountains, rivers, deserts), if you go over them you pay 1 or 2 dollars.

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