reflect on the CAT’s contributions to creativity assessment, its strengths and weaknesses, and its future. What is the CAT? Perspectives on the Social Psychology of Creativity (Article begins on next page) The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Those in the experimental group were competing for prizes, whereas those in the control group expected that the prizes would be raffled off Artist-judges later rated each collage on several artistic dimensions, including creativity, technical goodness, and aesthetic appeal. very similar view is expressed by Teresa Amabile who defines creativity as “the production of a novel and appropriate response, product, or solution to an open-ended task” (Amabile, 2013:134). In her definition of creativity Amabile adds the condition of the open-ended task i.e. Join Facebook to connect with Catherine Mary Amabile and others you may know. Your story matters. the CAT’s actual “measurement instrument,” namely individual judges. Catherine Mary Amabile is on Facebook. 1 (2012): 3–15. Journal of Creative Behavior 46, no. Please share how this access benefits you. Creativitatea este un fenomen extrem de complex, cu numeroase fatete sau dimensiuni. Keywords: consensual assessment technique, creativity assessment, fashion, Instagram, reliability, temporal stability, test-retest reliability. "Perspectives on the Social Psychology of Creativity." a task Amabile (1982, 1996) argued that the concept of what is creative is largely shared amongst a domain’s experts as tacit knowledge, and that creativity should therefore be assessed by consensus between domain experts. • CAT, Consensual Assessment Technique (Amabile, 1982) Questo test si basa sull’idea che la migliore misura della creatività è la valutazione congiunta di esperti in quel campo. While at Stanford, he had begun thinking about the possibility of creating an electronic book. The consensual definition of creativity, my assumptions about the nature of creativity assessment, and the requirements of an appropriate methodology for a social psychology of creativity led to the development of the consensual assessment technique used in my research. Girls whose ages ranged from 7 to 11 years made paper collages during I of 2 residential parties. Research Associate Susan Archambault prepared this case under the supervision of Professor Teresa Amabile as the basis for ... including a three-dimensional CAT scan display. Abstract. Harvard Business School professor Teresa Amabile, a former student of Mark Lepper’s who has devoted a long and prominent career to studying the … The consensual assessment technique (CAT)—developed by Teresa Amabile, (1982a, 1996)—is one of the - Teresa Amabile To address these questions, the CAT is predicated on the idea that a product is creative when a group of experts from that domain agree it's creative. Dimensiunile creativitatii. There is, however, one method of creativity assessment that quite well suited to test the domain specificity question. Citation Amabile, Teresa M., and Julianna Pillemer. Jacobson said: Teresa Amabile, the researcher who developed the CAT, demonstrated that measurement of creativity is a social process. The consensual assessment technique (CAT) allows for the assessment of the relative creativity of products and is based on the assumption that a panel of independent raters, persons who have not had the opportunity to confer with one another and who have not been trained by the researcher, are best able to make such judgments. Esiste una versione aggiornata del test, il CDQ-R, Revised Creativity Domain Questionnarie di Kaufman, Cole, & Bear (2009).
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